Sherlock x fem reader-My Wife

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Yns Pov.
Mrs Holmes, Mrs Holmes, I still can not believe it's true.
Even a year later, I still can not believe that it's true, that I Yn (Y.L.N) is married to Sherlock Holmes himself.
And today, during our wedding day, I'll get a chance to help with a case.
Because Sherlock has said that he needs a woman's thinking, and according to him I would like to follow a really exciting case.

And he has a very good score, I would really like a good case, I have read almost every detective book like Sherlock and I have at home in our library and unfortunately I have not received any cases due to the fact that I am a female detective.
Sherlock knows I love reading detective stories daily and it's a little comical that I married a detective.

Yn: I have a bad feeling about this Sherlock, you understand that no one will take me seriously.
Sherlock: My love, they will take you seriously, you are the smartest woman I have ever met, apart from my mother and little sister.
Yn: I hope you'm right.
Sherlock: I'm always right my love.
Yn: You're not always right.

Lestrad: Aa Sherlock good to se you, What is she doing here! You know that a crime scene investigation is not for a woman.
Sherlock: She is my wife, and both you and I know he Yn is the perfect help during this police case the young woman who has disappeared is only two years younger than her.  Yn is the only one of us who can know how she thinks.

Thank goodness Sherlock said something before me, really hate when men look down on us women.
We women can be as smart as the men we can even be smarter than them, I gave Sherlock a kiss on his cheek and said.

Yn: Thank you dear husband.
Well gentlemen let's start working we have a missing woman to find and I think her parents will be happier the sooner we find her.

I told them both and then I went to Lestrad and asked him very kindly.

Yn : Mr Lastrad, can you please show me Miss Marywhater's bedroom and while I'm in there, I prefer to be alone so I am not disturbed.
( Jumpskip again sorry).

I walked around the young woman's room and I got to be there myself I really did not have time with police officers who say being a detective is not for a woman.  As I walked around there, I began to observe my surroundings.

Yns mind:
She seems to be an ordinary woman, Loves her family and friends but she is very dissatisfied with her parents' choices but it is a matter of course no woman wants to get married many want to marry out of love.
Nothing in her room is broken so there is no sign of violence and her mother told her that the day she disappeared, her bedroom window was open so it excludes one thing that she was not forced to follow.

I continued to walk towards the woman's bookshelf and began to pull my fingers along the books.  She seems to love reading books specific love books, my fingers stopped at a very famous romantic novel, Romeo and Juliet.  You could see from the book's appearance that it was the one she read often, I decided to open the book where she had stopped reading and what I was met by was that she had cut a small compartment in the dock, and in the compartment there was a  lots of love letters from one and the same man.

Yns mind.
Now all the pieces fall into place a young woman deeply in love with a man she can not marry according to her parents.  The young couple decides to run away from each other, the case is resolved must bring these letters to Sherlock.
A woman can not be a detective HA.
Sherlocks Pov:
Lestrad: This is pointless, do not take Sherlock badly but your wife will not find any.  Me and my very best men have already searched the entire bedroom and we found nothing.

I was very prepared to scold him but was stopped by Yn coming into the living room with a smile on her face and a very proud look on her face.

Yn: I have already solved the case Mr and Mrs Marywhater's daughter is in Paris, this in my hand is a lot of love letters from one and the same man named Jonathan Ericsson.
And in the letters she has explained how she does not want to marry the man her parents have chosen for her and in the last letter it said when he will come and pick her up and then they will flee to Paris.
And guess where I found the letters somewhere in her bookshelf hidden inside her favorite book, it seems that you and your cops did not check properly.

She said to him and gave him the letters then she went up to me you could really see the shock on his face.  She stood next to me and hugged my arm wow what a woman she smiled at me I smiled back at her then I looked at Lestrad and said.

Sherlock: You heard what Yn said, so you tell Mr and Mrs Marywhaters that their daughter is well and happy.

Then we left, and just when we got out I stopped and turned Yn so that she stood in front of me, before she had time to say something I kissed her she was not ready at first but then she kissed me back, wow I  really married a amazing woman.

The end.

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