Accept the reality

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          One day Tina and I were near the grocery shop to prank Sara. We saw Kevin holding Sara's hand. Then, we left the place. I told Tina,"Sara must have informed us about her relationship with Kevin". Tina said,"It's okay. Let's give her some time. She will definitely tell us. Don't worry, cheer up". I smiled.
          After school, we all met at a coffee shop. We all planned to have group study in Sara's house, until exams. Exams were easy. Everyone wrote it well. When the result came, Sara's marks came down. We comforted her.
           After school, while walking home, Sara told us about her relationship with Kevin. I told,"It's okay but you must have informed us earlier. I would have helped you to concentrate in your studies also." Sara smiled at me. Then, we went to our home.
          Next day, when we reached class, some students were bullying a girl saying that she's ugly because of her acne. I rushed into the staff room and informed my class teacher. The teacher came over and stopped the commotion. The whole 11th grade students were asked to assemble in the meeting hall.
          Our principal gave some advice. She said,"We must accept a person in the way she/he is, whether beautiful, talented, orphan or from any economic status. Accept the way you are. Don't be afraid to reveal your insecurities. God has made you for a purpose. Accept it. Humanity is dying these days, mainly among students. Students, you must stop bullying others students. You'll regret in the future, thinking of what you've done earlier. From now on, our school will have more awareness programs to avoid such commotions. Now, I give this stage to those students, who have the courage to reveal their insecurities".
          Sara stood pale, she went to the stage, words choking her throat, she saw me and started, "Hello friends. No one knew my secret except my friend, Hana. I am red-green colour blind. I was afraid to reveal it because people may start bullying. I thank our principal for helping to build my confidence so that I could say it loud. Thank you all". Students shouted," We accept you in the way you are". Sara gave a smile and came back to her seat. Next to Sara, many students went on the stage and  revealed their insecurities on stage.
          After school, Sara went to Kevin and apologized for not informing about herself earlier. Kevin said," I accept you the way you are. I am happy for you". We all gathered together at the park. Tina started her conversation,"I was a kid who had autism. Hana made me a normal kid. But I always had a feeling what will happen if Hana left me. So I behaved rude to her friends. After Hana's departure, I realised that I should believe in friendship, instead of being afraid. Thank you Hana for being a part of my life. And thank you guys for being my friends". We all were really very happy that day.
          One day, Tina asked me, "How did you meet Sara and Steve?". I explained her. She's kinda impressed by Steve.
          The last day of our school life, we were very sad. Steve said his feelings to Tina. They both started dating. I remained single in my entire school life which is kinda an amazing feeling but I never felt alone because of my friends. They are the PART OF ALL MY BEST MEMORIES❣️.
          During the principal speech, she asked Sara to come to stage. Principal gave her an 'Enchroma glasses' which is used by red-green colour blind person. Everyone were suprised with unique gifts from principal. Everyone were very happy with their gifts. We thanked the school management for the gifts, academic and awareness teachings . We  have attached a mirror in teacher's restroom as our gift to the school management. We were asked to write whatever we want on a paper. The paper will be collected and pasted on our classroom. I took a marker and wrote 'FRIENDS become our choosen family'✨ and also
               F-ight for you😉
               R-espect you😁
               I-nclude you😇
               E-ncourage you😘
               N-eed you🤗
               D-eserve you🤩
               S-tand by you😜

               THE END 💖

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