Chapter 2

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Chapter two

Addys POV

Just above the net and...smash. Ugh, still needs a bit of tweaking.

"Another smash from Addison! Let's go!" Brook says with a backflip. Does she have to do this? We're just practicing and it's not even the finals yet. But here she is in her cheering outfit.

"Browne, take five! Solace, practice with the freshmen, yeah?"

"Aye aye, teach!" Jaiden and I say as she went to our juniors with me tagging along.

"So.. found any potential guys?"

"Nope." Cause, I found a potential girl- no, a woman for infact and she's my teacher. Okay, what?

"Oh c'mon, I heard there are cuties in your classes. Brook says you were out of it in English, did a guy finally get your attention?! Oh don't you dare lie!" Jaiden jumps around like an excited pup. She stopped but she shook me none stop. Seriously? Do I look like some juice in need of shaking?

"Calm ya tits, it was just hot." Blaming it on the weather. That's my excuse until I get my own feelings sorted out. I'd owe it big time if it were to talk.

"Yeah, hot because of the radiance of some flaming hot dude!" What in hell is she saying?

"Ugh. There aren't any hot dudes. I was slightly under the weather because of her classroom. Not some random dude!" Lies. Well, aren't I a big fat liar-

"Whatever you say~ " I can tell she's not dropping this yet. "Okay, rookies! Let's practice some recieves. Put your hands in this position..."

The freshmen this year is a bit much. Some experienced and some well.. are noobs. Quite rude aren't I. Anyways, it's quite important to know what and where their strengths are at. Like how to know where to hit, their blocks and how strong their attacks.

I happen to see a child running by the sidelines of the court. Why is a fucking kid here?

"Hey, who's kid is that?!" I snapped, getting my emotions get the best of me. Jaiden immediately left her group.

"Uhm. That's my younger brother, senior sisters. Is it okay if he stays here?" Say what now? A kid on the court? Really? Do you want him to get flung into the hospital? "N-"

"Rookie! It's in the rules. A kid isn't aloud to be here whether it be a practice or a game." Jaiden scolds before I could. I stormed off before I could make an even bigger scene. I found myself walking along the halls wherever my feet would take me.

After 3 sets of doing nothing but enduring pain and hardwork, it has come to a match point. I felt like giving up but no, I simply can't. One more point then we'll win. It was my turn to serve. "Go Addy! Go!" I hear soft voice behind me. Elizabeth. Eli for short. She was someone I babysat all the time when her parents went away. Her mom was also cheering for me. She's like my little sister. I gave them a grin. I can't turn those cheers into waste, can't I?

An underserve. I'll aim for the weakest. Positioning my right hand and the ball came flying to their weakling. Their libero managed to cover it up and the ball directly went to their setter. She tossed the ball and their ace- The ace?! The ace were going to attack. Our blockers jump high as they could. The direction of the hit, how strong this gal is, and it looks like her aiming wasn't good at knowing where to hit.

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