🦋Maybe we dont have to pretend afterall (Rival crush x Rival reader)

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Fluff warning ahead!!!
Also, sorry for the typos~!


Monday. The worst day possible. Going to school is a complete mess. Walking through the hallways, you'll see hell in your eyes as you look onto the lovers making out against the lockers. Its honestly disgusting. You didnt mind them, and the rest is just gangsters you just love to make others life miserable. Bullies that makes fun of the little kids.

"Heyy babee" You heard someone called out behind you. You immediately knew who it was but you ignored the presence since you thought he's calling for someone else. But to your surprise, He came up behind you and sneaked two strong, veiny hands around you and basically hugged you from behind.

"What the actual fuck are you doing?" You tried to get off his grip but he stayed strong. What is with this man?

"Just play along, Ill explain later" He whispers, Still stay ahold of you but you werent having it.

"Let go, I have a class to attend"

"Just do me a favor, Just this once ok? Please and Ill leave you alone forever." He whispers, feeling his breath onto your neck.

"Fine" You agreed in defeat.


"Alright, go on then" You sat infront of him, eating his sandwhich.

"Go on with what?" He asked, plastered a puzzled face. You rolled your eyes and leaned onto the table, closer to him.

"Why do we have to pretend to be a couple?" You asked, furrowing your eyes.

"Well...We wont have to do this forever but.. just until (his/ex/n) get jealous and come back to me" OH wow, he really chose you as his victim for when in the end, you'll get heart broken and he'll enjoy your pain.

"Fine, I need something in return tho" He looked up at you.


"Stay away from me, forever. Never even try to make an eye contact you understand?"

It took him sometime to asnwer that but he agreed. You then left his table and moved onto your friends. You still noticed how theres a hint of sadness in his eyes but you chose to ignore it.

"What was that about?" Your bsf asked, her mouth was stuffed with burger.

"E/n just made a deal with me" You replied, taking your (Fav drink) out. You didnt really feel like eating today.

"What deal?"

"He told me that we'll have to pretend as a couple for a few days until his ex (his/ex/n) gets jealous and cOmE bAcK tO hIm" You stated as you mocked him by the end of your sentence, making (bsf/n) laugh.

"Why cant he choose another girl? I mean theres atleast a thousand female students in this school, why does he have to choose you?" She said, suspicious.

"Thats what Im saying, Honestly he's just trying to make fun of me in the end"

"There has to be a reason why" She looked at you, teasing you with her eyes.

"Come on, He hates me, I hate him. NO way. He hates me just because I spilled his favorite drink at 3rd grade" You stated, making her laugh again and taking a bite of her burger. A couple minutes later, you both have finished your snacks just in time when the bell rang.

"Alright, See you later" She called out and you waved goobye as you walked in a different direction.

Just as you reached your locker, He came out of nowhere.

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