Chapter 3

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"Daddy," Macie groaned, tugging on my sleeve. "I want a cupcaaaaaaaake."

I sighed and pulled my daughter into my lap. "I have to get some work done," I explained to her.

It's been a week since I fired Ms. Martin and I still haven't found a suitable replacement so Macie has been stuck here with me. It isn't very fun for her and I feel bad, but I don't have another option right now.

"But I want a cupcake."

Macie was pouting and I felt so bad for her. She's been such a good sport and she does deserve a cupcake. "Ok. Let's go."

Macie cheered and I knew I was just teaching her that if she pouted she would get her way, but I couldn't help it.

I took Macie's hand and went downstairs. We stopped at my receptionist so I could have her cancel the rest of my appointments for the day and then we walked the four and a half blocks to Ms. Mitchell's bakery.

Macie ran ahead of me through the door and ran right up to the counter, cutting in front of five people who had been waiting. I went to pull her to the back of the line, but by the time I got there she was already sitting on the counter with a cupcake in her hands.

I quickly apologized to the people in line and went up to Macie. "You can't just go to the front of the line like that," I told her. "All of those people have been waiting."

Macie mumbled an apology and then went back to her cupcake. Ms. Mitchell was busily taking orders so I waited until she was done to talk to her.

"Sorry about Macie," I said.

"Don't worry about it."

I tried to hand Ms. Mitchell some money for the cupcake, but she wouldn't take it. I kept trying but eventually gave up.

"So, you're pretty busy here," I said after she finished another order.

"Yeah," she said, out of breath from all the rushing around. "But I love it."

"Do you have any help?" I asked, looking around for anyone that could work here.

"No, just me."

I nodded, unsure of what to say. And lucky me, Macie chimed right in. "It's just me and daddy now too at his work."

"Still no sitter?"

I shook my head.

"I could help out if you need," she said. Of course. She's busier than she can handle and she's still offering to help others. I've never met anyone quite like that; always acting in the interest of someone other than themselves.

"You're so busy here," I told her. She may be willing to help, but I don't want to over extend her. And a four year old can be very hard to handle.

"It's no trouble. Besides, the shop is closed Tuesdays and Thursdays so those days would be super easy."

"I don't know..."

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?" Macie begged. And even Ms. Mitchell had an expression awfully similar to a puppy dog face.

"Fine." I couldn't resist both of them. "But only until I find a new sitter."

Macie and Ms. Mitchell both cheered and I couldn't help but smile.

Today is Macie's first official day with Ms. Mitchell and I'm a bit nervous. Not about Macie's safety, I know she will be perfectly fine. It's Ms. Mitchell I'm worried about. I feel like this arrangement is going to be too much for her.

But she and Macie were so happy and something in me just couldn't say no. Especially after the smile I saw on Ms. Mitchell's face when I said yes. Her eyes sparkled in a way they usually didn't and it drew me in.

"Ok Macie," I said as we neared the bakery. "You will listen to everything Ms. Mitchell says."

Macie nodded and I let her run through the door to the bakery. She ran right up to Ms. Mitchell and leapt into her arms.

"Macie!" Ms. Mitchell exclaimed happily as she caught my daughter.


Ms. Mitchell put Macie down and pulled something out from behind the counter. "Ok Macie. If you are going to be my assistant, you're going to need a uniform."

Macie tilted her head, confused and Ms. Mitchell pulled out a small apron and baker's hat. Macie cheered and put it on. I snapped a quick picture because she looked so cute and then turned to Ms. Mitchell.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked her.


"Ok. Just call me if you need something or if it's too much. I won't mind."

Ms. Mitchell agreed and steered me towards the door. "Go, go. You don't want to be late for work. We will be fine."

I chuckled and left the two girls to their devices. I had a feeling that Ms. Mitchell just wanted to play with Macie and wasn't actually concerned about me getting to work on time and that made me smile. She really seemed to care about Macie. More than any other woman I've met. Much more than Claire...

I shoved Claire out of my mind and made my way to my office. She would come around so I don't have to worry about it right now. I think...

It would just be so much easier if Claire loved Macie or at least liked her as much as Ms. Mitchell seemed to.

Loving LyraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin