Chapter 14

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The Sweet Spot is finally done with its repairs and I can start working again. The only thing standing in my way is Brandon.

"You aren't going back until the police figure out who did this," he whisper yelled in an attempt to not wake up Macie.


"It's not safe!"

I sighed. We'd been going in circles for the past ten minutes. "You do realize you're not in charge of me right?" I asked.

"I just want you to be safe," Brandon sighed. He was pacing back and forth across the living room carpet and had been for the whole conversation.

"I have to go back eventually Brandon," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop his pacing. "It's been two weeks."

"I know. I just don't like it."

"I know."

We stood there together for a couple of minutes before Brandon spoke again. "But if you're going back, I'm posting security guards at every entrance."


"It is the only way I will let you anywhere near that building."

Part of me wanted to be annoyed at him for trying to control me, but most of me was just glad that he cared. Knowing I'd have to meet with him somewhere, I agreed to the security guards. Besides, he probably just wanted to ensure that Macie was safe and I couldn't blame him for that. I would feel horrible if anything ever happened to her.

Brandon went off to his home office to call the security guards and I went to wake up Macie. She was like a mini teenager; she'd sleep all day if she could.

"Macie," I softly said into her ear. "Time to wake up."

Macie grumbled and pulled the blankets tighter around herself. "Don't you want to go to the shop?"

As soon as the words registered, Macie shot up out of bed and sprang into action. She was dressed and ready in less than ten minutes.

"Can we go now Lyra?" She asked, jumping up and down.

"Breakfast first."

"Oh right."

Macie sat down at the table and started shoveling food into her mouth.

"Slow down Macie," I told her, "you'll choke if you keep eating that fast."

Macie ignored me and finished the rest of her food in record time.

"Ok let's go!" Macie sprang out of her seat and ran for the elevator, only stopping when she realized I wasn't following her.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked.

Macie looked herself over. Then she looked back to me, confused.

"Our ride."

Macie's eyes widened and she sprinted up the stairs. "Come on Daddy! Hurry, hurry, hurry!" I could hear her shout.

"Ok, ok."

Macie soon came back into view dragging Brandon behind her. "I'm assuming you told her about the shop," he directed at me. I nodded.

Brandon picked Macie up and we made our way down to the car together. "Oh, by the way, I have a date with Claire tonight so I'm going to be late. Do you want to just stay at the penthouse so you don't have to wait up?"

"Sure," I said, hoping he would move off of the Claire topic. It made me uncomfortable talking about her, especially after the encounter with her a few weeks ago. I still don't know what happened after Brandon found out. In fact, this is the first time he's even mentioned her since that day.

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