Chapter Thirty-One

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(A/N): Will be posting two chapters back-to-back! These chapters are so exciting (particularly chapter thirty-two) so get ready! I hope you guys enjoy <<3

"Summon the flame on your left palm only. Nowhere else."

I stared at the Delta through purple-tinted vision, focusing my magic to the spot on my hand. Moments later, fire sprung up on my palm -- a light drowned out by the dazzling golds and oranges of sundown. Contained in my hand, it seemed insignificant, small. The Delta's lips tugged up into a grin. 

"Good. It's good to see you have control. Honestly, I would have thought you to struggle with that part."

I took the back-handed compliment in stride, dripping my head so he couldn't see the small smile of my own. What he didn't know what that these past few days, I had been sneaking into the forest at midnight to train by myself. I could do much more than the drills he demanded of me now, and whilst part of me so badly wanted to reveal how much I'd progressed, I knew better than that. I had to keep my cards hidden.

"Right. Now, I want you to direct that flame towards me, as though you are extending it like a third arm."

I nodded, scrunching my face in feigned concentration as the flame reached out for him. it was easy to fake the grunts and groans of effort. What he didn't know was that I'd mastered this technique days ago. In fact, I'd mastered many techniques. It was as though I'd been controlling this fire all along, only now it was a physical thing. My flame felt like a part of self -- mine to command and control. There was no power grapple here. It did what I willed it to do. 

The Delta frowned at the flames, sputtering just inches away from his face. "That's impressive. A bit too impressive, if you ask me." He turned towards me, folding his arms. "You've been practicing, haven't you?"

I pulled back the flame and shrugged, allowing it to gutter in my palm. Smoke stung my eyes and nostrils. "Nothing aside from the few drills you told me to do as homework, Delta."

His eyes narrowed on mine, assessing. I kept my face neutral. "You have something up your sleeve, don't you?"

I do, I almost blurted, but kept my mouth shut. He couldn't know about the plan, the one I intended to execute minutes after this session would end. I suspected Luc and Azure were already waiting at the treeline, watching our interaction from afar. I had to resist the burning urge to let my eyes wander, lest I wanted to expose the plan to the Delta. I couldn't do that. If he knew, he would try to stop me.

Instead, I scoffed at him. "What, is it illegal to be a star student now?" I faced my palms outwards. "I wish I could tell you I had a trick up my sleeve, but I don't. I just want to get this stupid war over and done with."

"You're telling me," The Delta grumbled, rolling his eyes. Then, he stepped forward, glancing at the sun sinking below the horizon. "Well, I suggest we get going. Alpha Osyn will get pissy if we don't show to the Feasting."

"Count me out. I'm not going to the feasting tonight."

I adjusted the thick cloak around my shoulders, but the Delta was staring at me, eyes glowing in the orange-licked darkness. "Why?"

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