Chapter Fifty

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(A/N): sorry for the lack of updates. Very busy with uni and prepping for exams. I finally found time to write so I decided not to waste the opportunity!


I didn't see Faelen that morning, which I honestly counted as a blessing because I didn't know if I could face two betrayers in one day. Just the thought of it exhausted me.

We began our journey at the crack of dawn. Seeing as we'd be meeting on the perimeter of our two territories, we had a long way to trek, and it wasn't doing any good for my nerves.  

I picked my way through the thicket, shielding my eyes from the midday sun as I followed the party of about twenty people. I'd been forcing down my fear for the past hour -- trying to keep my head high and my face that of practised indifference. Still, it was hard to keep up the facade with the cold press of silver against my wrists, reminding me that I was effectively powerless. 

And so will Azriel, I remind myself. That was the deal. I'd be in binds, and so would he; he wouldn't even be able to control me through the bond so long as they stayed on.

As we walked on, with Alpha Osyn at the front of the pack and Luna Darla winding up the back with me, my mind drifted to other things. Zion and Alia, who would no doubt be here today. It would be the first time I had seen them in months, and that thought excited me as much as it terrified me. What if they were starved? Beaten? Would I be able to stand there and look them in the eyes -- taking in their sorry states -- without knowing for sure if I would have them back to safety by tonight?

I shook my head at those thoughts. Of course, I would. I had no other option but to. I couldn't leave them in the hands of that monster any longer.

Then, my mind drifted to someone else, someone I was surprised to find myself suddenly longing for in a time of desperate fear. Faelen...

I pinched the skin of my palm, forcing a wince. No, I would not think of him now. Not after the shit he said. After that, he could rot in a hole for all I cared. Ashleigh could lie with him.

At that moment, Osyn stopped and threw out his arm, and everyone came to an abrupt halt. A loud silence buzzed around us, like the insects themselves were waiting with bated breath, and I cursed myself for not noticing the change in atmosphere earlier. Fuck, Kyra. Focus!

"Osyn North, Alpha of the Northern Court. State your intent," Osyn announced, his words echoing throughout the forest. 

"Azriel South, Alpha of the Southern Court," a voice replied. My blood turned to ice. His voice. "As for my intent? Well, that doesn't really matter now, does it? I can't do anything while bound in silver."

People in the group exchanged uncertain glances, but I was frozen, trying to even my breaths and calm my racing heart. The others were staring at me now -- including Alpha Osyn -- and I could feel the controlled panic rising to my throat. They would judge me for whatever I chose to do next. My next move would determine whether or not they saw me as some powerful figure, or just a meek girl crumbles at the first sign of conflict.

Darla's comforting hand found the small of my back, but I didn't lean into her touch. Instead, I stepped forward, thinking about everything Azriel had stolen from me. About Zion and Alia. It fuelled me with rage, and for a moment, my fear was smothered. 

"Kyra Aetos. I believe we have a deal to make."

For a few moments, there was nothing but silence. I kept my spine rigid and my chin raised, waiting in limbo for his response. 

Then it came. "Oh, how I have missed that voice. Come, Kyra dear; let me see that beautiful face of yours."

Before I could lose my nerve, I marched through the last of the thicket, breaking into a large clearing on the other side. My eyes scanned the gathered Southerners, and my breathing hitched when I saw him. His hair was just as dark as I remembered, seeming to the absorb the light into the strands. His white skin was as clear and white as ever, and his eyes... god, those sapphire-blue eyes. Just looking at them made me feel ill. 

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