Chapter 52

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 I'm left alone, with one word repeating in my head.


Opti, Opti, Opti. Who is she? Why is she coming? How does she know Marcus? Whoever she is, she must be big because Marcus finding out about her was a big deal. But that doesn't make sense. He's just a ghost, he couldn't tell anyone Him knowing wouldn't have been a threat unless he told me. Which he did, just in time apparently. That begs the question, who is she?

The very memory of her traumatized Clark enough to not want to speak to me again. She's more terrifying than John, and she's on her way here? Marcus mentioned she's leading them, but who are they? Who is she?

I'm pulled from my thoughts as I hear the sound of shoes echoing through the hallways near me. I start to make my way to the cafeteria when the bell rings. I sigh, and change my route to the training room. The footsteps behind me seem to get closer. I start to feel worried, and when I look back my worry doubles. Someone in a black hoodie is following me. I look closely, thinking it'll be Phillip or Maud surprising me again, but it's them. It's not anyone from the Shadows. I look forward and change hallways. He gains on me and suddenly he's right in front of me. I gasp and retreat quickly. How'd he get there?

"Zoey Ram?" he states his question in a deep, intimidating voice.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"You." He's fast. He grabs my arm and pulls at me. I squirm away but he manages to reach his arms around my waist. A scream tears through my throat, but he throws me into the wall and my head clouds for a few seconds. He picks me up and throws me to the floor. I hit my head again, but manage to remain conscious.

I start pulling myself up then try to make a dash away. This fails and he grabs my ankle. I kick at him until he lets go. I feel my emotions take over, and I manage to do a kick flip up and I swat his outstretched hand away from me and I spit in his face. He curses and while he's distracted, I escape.

Or at least I try.

I run through the hallways trying to get a sense of where I am, but suddenly I'm tackled from my left. I fall hard. I'm about to scream again, but a hand covers my mouth quickly. "Shut up!" I hear Jack's voice whisper harshly. The footsteps of my first attacker echo in the hallways again. Jack sits up and grabs my hand, "Let's go. Hurry."

I barely have a chance to stand up, considering how he's already pulling me into a sprint. Once my feet gain traction, we are running full speed when I hear the guy shout, "Hey!"

Jack pulls me through a few hallways, but the guy suddenly appears in from of us. Jack curses and screeches to a stop. "What do you want!"

"Her," he replies calmly.

I back up, "You can't have me."

"That's not really your choice."

"It's not yours either," Jack threatens. He ignites his hands in fire and questions, "Who are you?"

"That's not important," the man replies, "What is important is that I deliver Zoey Ram right away."

"Deliver me where?"

"That's unimportant."

"Who are you taking me too?"

"That's currently irrelevant," the man replies quickly. Clearly it's a secret location and boss. "Hand her over."

"No," Jack replies confidently.

The man sighs, "I'm not someone you want to fight."

"Let me decide that," Jack argues. He charges and the guy counters quickly. Jack dodges the guys punch and tries to hit him with a flaming fist. The guy catches Jack's arm and throws him off balance. His moves seem effortless and almost beautiful. Jack has no chance.

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