Chapter 7

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"I'm sorry for your loss Miss Ram," the young healer says. My group looks at me confused. I open my mouth and try to speak but Flame rounds the corner and walks into the room. 

Trish jumps up and runs to give him a hug. He actually accepts it, and nods solemnly. "I'm so sorry," she whispers.

"I'll be okay. If anyone needs comforting it's Willow's sister," He sighs, "Those two were never apart, and this one time..." he shakes his head. "What happened to Zoe?"

"Mac attacked her," Shawn says softly.


The young healer jumps in, "Flame, I'm not sure, I haven't looked at him yet but from what your team was saying," she glances at me, "I think someone managed to possess him and attack Zoey with his body."

Flame looks at her with worried eyes, "Who could do that?"

"Someone not of our compound," she shakes her head. She leans in and whispers, "We should talk outside."

They walk out and Trish says, "What did Mac say to you?"

"Nothing important, doesn't matter."

I look out of the room and see Flame and the nurse talking, "Listen Flame, it's probably just a speculation, but I think it might be Raven."


"Think about it, violence, possession, attacking specifically Zoey. It's definitely not a coincidence." 

"I'll look into it. For now let's just deal with the issues at hand," Flame says as he begins his way back into the room, but the nurse stops him.

"Listen, I'm sorry about Willow."

"There was nothing you can do. All that's left is to make sure Raven doesn't hurt anyone else," Flame responds, a mixture of pain and vengeance laces his words.

This doesn't make sense. Raven is the other compound that takes in the, less moral people with abilities. The ones that are filled with hate and revenge towards the normal humans that have kicked our kind out of civilization. Raven wants to kill them all, and our main job as Omegas is to stop them from hurting the humans. It's not the way to gain acceptance. I've heard they even take children they know will be useful to them. They'll brainwash the kids into believing their ways.

But my stepfather is after me, not the Ravens. How could I possibly have two opposing forces after me at the same time? It's only my first week here, I guess I can't get a break. There's still something that doesn't feel right.

"Flame," my voice sounds weak, it's annoying. "I don't believe that attack was from Raven."

"Why?" He asks as he walks back into the room. Everyone else stares at me as if how I even came up with that conclusion, but I don't even care to act dumb right now.

"The dark force controlling Mac mentioned John."

Flame shifts his weight and looks to the ground, "You think John sent him?"

"Who is he exactly?" Beast asks. "If Zoe's in real danger then we should know who is trying to hurt her."

"He's hurt me ever since my mother's death, Beast. He's trying to kill me now," I say carefully.

"Who is he?" Trish asks.

"He's my stepfather, alright?" I look at her, "I was his punching bag from the moment my mother died when I was five. I'm talking every night, with fists, beer bottles, belts, words. Anything. Everyday I had to figure out ways to explain the black and blue bruises and fresh cuts that were always on me. It was so normal, I fell into a routine. Only, sometimes he would lock me in my room for days, then finally let me out and beat me because I skipped school. I was a failure to him. I was the reason everything went wrong in his life, so he blamed me for everything," I notice my tears, but I don't care. For once I should be able to cry. Just once. "From my mother's death to his drinking problem. He blamed me for my brother leaving, for his corporation failing. He took it all out on me. Everything, was my fault."

"Zoe," Trish barely speaks my name. 

"Stop," I don't want to be in this room anymore. The looks they are all giving me, I just can't stand their pity. I don't need it. I don't deserve it. I jump off the medical bed and run out. 

It's not until I reach a few hallways down, that I realize my ankle is fine. Even for me, that's not something I'm used to. Healing at that quick of a speed? Something else is off about me. I don't even know what it is.

I arrive at the training room. This seems to be my place to get away. I can't believe I actually told them about John. I can't believe I spoke a paragraph of words about him without freezing up and getting scared of what John would do. Maybe I'm not that scared kid anymore named Zoey. 

Or maybe I am the scared kid and I'm just being stupid.

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