Chapter 7: A New Home for these Adventurers!

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"I take the biggest room."

"Wha-! I wanted it first!"

"Well, I said it first, so it's mine now, that's the law."

Our party was standing outside a big metal gate leading to a large, fancy mansion. The building was located at the edge of the town, nearby a forest. It was also close to the cemetery we met Wiz. From the outside it looked like it had seen better days. Moss was growing on the sides of the manor and overall the whole thing looked a little gloomy. What are we doing here exactly, you may ask? Well, that was our new home. I, of course, called dibs on the biggest room; but the blue disappointment had something to say that nobody cared for.

"I heard that it was some noble's villa." Megumin mentioned, ignoring the wailing Aqua.

"The landlord certainly is generous, allowing us to live here as a reward if we can exorcise it." Darkness added.

"Wiz is apparently known as a famous magician in town, so she gets a lot of requests like these. Aqua, although you are this something-or-other, don't forget that apparently doesn't matter how many times it's exorcised, the spirits keep coming back." Kazuma warned.

"Leave it to me! And I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear the something-or-other comment..."

"If I wake up next to some spirit, you're sleeping outside Aqua." I said deadpanned, but she was too busy waving her hands around to hear. She took a deep breath, outstretched her arms, and a yellow light shined from her hands.

"I see it. I see it! A child was confined here. An illegitimate child. The shame of a noble who made a move on one of his maids, through fifty shades of grey, with neither lust nor passion in his heart." Aqua began telling us the backstory of the mansion before us, but nobody asked. We all looked at her with a blank face and started going inside. Standing before the door, we still could hear her reciting the lore to us.

"The noble had a weak constitution, and as illness took him, the mother of the poor girl went missing."

"Maybe we should let her do this more often. If she could, she wouldn't have had to bother us all this time." I said, as we entered our new home.



"Phew... I think, that's enough cleaning for today." Kazuma said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

We were standing in a small storeroom, on the second floor. That was the last room we had to clean, before we could proudly say that the whole manor looked like new. Outside the window was dark. The cleaning took us all day. It still was a miracle that we managed to clean the entire thing in one day. From the outside it didn't look like it, but the inside of the mansion was enormous. Five rooms each for us, with a few spare rooms left, two bathrooms, the kitchen, the storage room, the cellar, the attic, the living room, the hall, and finally the small storeroom. It was one hell of a manor. Honestly, I still couldn't believe that we were going to live here.

"We've decided the rooms and brought in our luggage. All that's left is to make ourselves at home." Darkness said, giving the already polished floor, some finishing touches.

"I still think that's unfair that Aqua gets the biggest room, though... Wait, where even is she?" I asked, getting up from the floor. I knew it was somewhat too quiet.

"Just let her have this, Y/N. Knowing her, she'll be whining about it for the next two weeks..." Megumin said, giving me a sorry look.

"Yeah, and besides, all the rooms in here are pretty big... Huh?" Kazuma said, walking to the window. Opening it, he suddenly stopped.

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