Chapter 30: A Moment of Peace for these Adventurers!

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Not even two days passed since our return home and we had already received a summons for the adventurer's guild.

Aqua sent Kazuma to go alone because in her words: 'Nothing good could come from the guild summoning our entire party.' However, Megumin insisted that I should tag along with him.


When we entered the guild, it was bustling with rowsy adventurers as always.

Making our way to the counter, we even received some stares from other adventurers. Whether they were stares of admiration or distaste was purely speculative.

After all, we defeated four generals of the Demon King's army. No matter how you look at it, that's a crazy achievement for a disfunctional party like ours. I wouldn't complain if we got some appreciation for our heroic deeds.

"Well then, adventurer Satou Kazuma-san and your party mate, L/N Y/N-san. The reason for calling you here today..." The receptionist trailed off to show us her cheerful smile and heavy bags under her eyes.

Then she reached out under the counter and pulled out a giant bag filled to the brim with money. It was on the verge of tearing itself due to the sheer amount of coins inside it.

All the adventurers gasped collectively.

"The payout was delayed because of the amount we needed to prepare... This is the bounty for the Demon King's general Sylvia: three hundred million eris! This is the fourth Demon King's general subjugated by you! Please accept it...!"

The crowd of adventurers went totally wild.

Crazy to think that at the beginning of my journey everyone was giving me the stink eye due to my bad reputation, and now we were basically Axel's biggest celebrities.

I bathed in the cheers of the entire guild. Cherishing this rare moment.

"This money should technically go to Komekko since she was the one who literally shot Sylvia do death."

"Are you saying you're refusing all this money that's being given to us?"

"Not at all. Don't mind if I do... Uh, miss? You're holding it really tightly... You can let go now, okay?"

"Wait, let me... Onee-san, I'm holding the bag really tightly, so it won't drop. Really, hey...! Hey, let go! Let it go!"

Honestly, if I were in her place, I wouldn't want to give up this much money either. It was probably more than enough to start a new life somewhere far away from here.

While Kazuma was still struggling with the bag, I heard some shouts from adventurers.

"But Kazuma's team has already defeated four Demon King's generals. I was worried that they might get wiped out some day, but they've really made it big now."

"That's right. They were a team that couldn't even take down frogs not too long ago, but that Kazuma-kun's now one of the few wealthy and successful guys in town. Truth is stranger than fiction, huh?"

"Hey, if you're going to that extent as to praise Kazuma, I'm also here, you know? It wouldn't hurt to say something nice about me too..."

Kazuma, hugging the reward money like his lost child, turned to the crowd, and with a cocky grin shouted:

"Really. Hey, you won't get anything from praising me like that, you know...? At most, I'll just treat you to the best wine in the house!"

That was enough to send everyone over the edge.

Konosuba - Megumin x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن