Chapter 16: London Trip

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Bella's POV

It had been a week since our marriage, and we were back in New York, in Cole's penthouse. Everything was going well.

Everyday, Cole and I would make breakfast together, then watch some TV shows or just chat about random things, prepare lunch, or go out.

This was just routine, because Cole had taken a break from work. But it didn't mean that he didn't work from home. Most of the times, he was always coped up in his office.

"What are you thinking about, darling?" Cole muttered, while wrapping his hands around my waist, and placing his head on my shoulders.

"Nothing." I said, with a smile, feeling ticklish with his kisses on my neck.

"Lunch is ready. " I said, and he hummed, not letting me go.

Finally after a lot of persuassion and promises of a kiss, he let me go and sat down in the seat.

"Oh shoot, I forgot to tell you about it." He said, after a few minutes of silence.

I looked up at him confused.

"Urghh... I have to go to London. " He said, nervously. I nodded, with a hmm. "Tonight. "

I looked at him with such speed that I heard a small crack.

"What? " I asked bewildered.

"Sorry. " He said, coming closer to me and holding my hand.

"You could have told me a day before, Cole. " I exclaimed.

"I'll be back soon. I just forgot about it."

I just shook my head, and went back to my food. He kept pestering me for the rest of the day.

"Bella. Darling. Sweetheart. Please, I will always inform you beforehand, if I have to leave again. " He pleaded.

It was currently 7 in the evening. And Cole would leave in an hour.

"It's alright, Cole. But it was just a shock to know you are going suddenly. I am sorry for disturbing you the whole day. " He hugged me, rubbing his hands on my back.

"You didn't disturb me, darling. I was with you for the whole week and it is normal when you get to know that I'll be leaving. But I'll be back in five days. " He said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

I nodded.

"Do you want to come to the airport to see me off?" He asked after a short silence.

"Can I? " I asked excited. He chuckled and nodded.

"You know, you are cute, love. " He said, making me blush.

I slapped his chest, and hid my face in his neck.


We were now in the airport. Cole was going in his private jet, so we were off to the other side of the airport.

I looked at him, as he turned to face me.

"Bella. " He said, sighing, and pulling me closer to him.

I hummed, sniffing.

"You know I don't like to see tears in your eyes. I'll be back before you know it. Don't cry. " He patted my back. I nodded, wiping my cheeks.

"Bye. I'll make you late now." I said with a small laugh, and stepping away from him.

"If you want I can cancel it. " He said, worriedly. I shook my head and pushed him little.

"No. Its alright. Bye. " He nodded and placed a soft kiss on my lips, muttering a small 'take care'.

After that he left. I got back into the car and Liam drove me back to the penthouse.

"Good night, Mrs. Creed. " He wished and drove away.

I walked up, to be greeted by a lonely apartment. These few weeks were heaven. I didn't even know how it passed. But now I'll be alone for five days.

I locked the door and walked to my room, jumping on the bed, hiding my face in the pillow.

Is it too soon to say that I miss him?

Tears flew down my eyes at the lonely feeling that filled my heart.

Dear god, I can't even live a second without him.

My phone started ringing suddenly, making me jump. I wiped my eyes and looked to see Alisha calling.

"Hey, Bella. "

"Hi! " My voice croaked.

"Were you crying? " She asked with a soft voice.

"No. "

"Don't lie. Do you want me to come over? " She asked, sympathetically.

"No. It's fine. I have to get adjusted to this. I can't ask you to come over every time he leaves for work, can I? " I giggled.

"Alright! If you need anything call me immediately. " I nodded, then replied with a 'okay'.

"Take care. Good night. "

After that, I hung up, and switched the lights off.

I was unable to sleep without the comforting, warm arms of Cole.

Shit, I had become so dependent on him, that I couldn't even sleep without him.

This is dangerous for me.

I sighed at the thought, and tried sleeping again. Somewhere late into midnight, I dozed off.




I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter 😄

See you in the next chapter



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