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"Carlos. Come on. Where are you? " I called out, searching every inch of the living room and kitchen.

Carlos was a very naughty kid. He always ran off when I tried to feed him.

"Got ya. " I heard Cole's voice and soon I heard a loud scream. "Now come on. Stop troubling your Mamma. "

He sat in front of me holding a whining Carlos.

"Thank you, Cole. He is getting naughtier day by day. " I sighed, and fed him, while he gave me a wide smile, melting my heart.

"Yeah! After all he does take after me. " He said with a proud smile.

"Of course he does. That's why you both keep troubling me all the time." I glared at him and he gulped.

I walked back into the kitchen, preparing dinner.

Carlos was already three years old. Time flew by very fast.

I felt like it was just yesterday that I gave birth to Carlos. It wasn't easy at all.

I would wake up in the middle of the night asking for weird food combinations from Cole, and also getting annoyed at the sillest of things.

And I was experiencing it again.

The doorbell rang, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Cole, would you look at it?" I called out, but he was already walking towards the door.

I stepped out of the kitchen, greeting Alisha, Drake, Finn, and Laura.

Laura and Finn were now dating and they were going strongly.

Alisha and Drake were married now, and she was six months pregnant.

"Hey Ali. How are you? "

"Tired and hangry. " She said glaring at Drake.

"Babe. Please. "

"Don't babe me. I told you I was hungry but you did not care for me. Now don't bother talking to me. " Saying that she walked into the kitchen, to raid my fridge.

All of us laughed at his expression.

"How are you, sis? " Finn asked, hugging and kissing my forehead.

"Good." I said with a smile. "Our little baby is very eager to get out. " I said placing my hands on my huge nine month old stomach.

The baby would be due any day now.

"Well, my niece is going to be the cutest princess anyone has seen. " He said with a proud smile.

"How do you know it's a girl? We might have another Finn. " I laughed.

"Nah! Call it an uncles intuition. I will bet you it's a princess. "

"Let's see. I am gonna say it's a boy." Laura said, picking Carlos up, and kissing his chubby cheeks. "Right, Carlos? "

"Yess." He exclaimed, with eyes wide.

We laughed again, and took a seat at the dinner table, having our lunch.

It was a Sunday and the day was passing by quickly.

All of them left, after staying for another hour and chatting, and currently it was just me, Cole and Carlos.

Both Cole and Carlos were talking about his toys when I scrunched my eyes in pain.


"What happened, Bella? " He asked, coming closer and looking at me with a worried face.

"I think it's time. I can feel it."

As soon as I said that, my legs were drenched, and my water was broken.

"Ok. Let's go. "He got to work quickly, grabbing my bags and Carlos and we walked out.


After a gruelsome six hours of pain, and pushing, our baby was finally delivered.

Currently she was in Cole's arms, while he kept staring at her with tears flowing down his cheeks.

Yes, Uncle Finn was right with sixth sense.

It was a baby girl.

I smiled at Cole and my baby, while Carlos jumped beside him, peaking at his little sister.

"I am a big brother. " He laughed and danced around the room happily.

I chuckled, but then flinched in pain.

It hurt.

"Careful." Cole held my shoulders, in a soft grip. "I think you should rest now."


"No. You will sleep now. Our family is waiting outside. Don't worry. All of us are here. " He kissed my forehead.

"I love you, Cole. " I said with tired eyes, staring at him.

"I love you too, my Bella. Now sleep. And take rest. We have a beautiful princess and a handsome prince to look after. And you need all the energy you can get. " He kissed my nose and I dozed off, dreaming about my handsome husband and lovely children.

I was happy, and thankful for having them in my life.

The End.



Alright. Its the end for Isabella and Cole Creed.

I mean for their story. Not their lives. 😁

I will update a few bonus chapters after some days when I write.

This is the last chapter that I have written, and need a little break to get my thoughts on the bonus chapters.

So until then.


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