Chapter # 12

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Clark rushed around the watch tower in a panic, 'where is she!?' was the only thought going through his head. Dread settled in his stomach as he slowly came to realize that you were no-longer in the tower.

"....Bruce." Clark mumbled. "Bruce, your the only one who could of done this." He laughed quietly. "You have her, I know you do..."


After breakfast Dick and Bruce went down to the cave for a private conversation. 

"Going to her old world is impossible." Bruce flat out said it. "She thinks that she's been transported her but she hasn't. Her mind, body, and soul were BORN here. The only way that's possible is if her mind, body, and soul from Universe U-1 died."

Dick sighs, "What do we do?" Bruce pauses before speaking again.

"She will never give up until she finds a way. That's not how a child should spend their life, I know I said I wouldn't do what the Justice league did, but it's our only option." He stares at the screen of his computer, which was showing the blue-prints for a machine.

"It's the only way for her to live a normal life in here."

Bruce and Dick sat in silence until Tim came into the room.

"Bruce! The Music Meister broke into the News Station and is currently broadcasting. He's got the city under his thumb!" Bruce sighed and nodded. "Get Damien and Jason down here, and make sure Y/n isn't around any electronics. Lets stop him quickly."

Tim paused, looking a bit nervous.

"Jason and Y/n aren't IN the mansion..."


'Why am I here, why am I here, why am I here-'

You were currently in a stadium with what seemed to be every citizen in Gotham. A large percentage who seem to be in a dazed state.

Jason being part of that percentage.


You, Tim, and Jason were sitting on the couch. Jason was watching the News, Tim was looking at an article that read 'Music Meister Escapes From Arkham' while listening to a true crime podcast. You were also listening to a podcast, Welcome To Nightvale, which you were pleasantly surprised to see that it also played in this world, while watching the News with Jason.

'Breaking News!!' the screen read. Interest peaked, you were about to remove you headphones to watch, that was until you saw a ginger man dressed in green with music notes decorating his out fit. So you turn up your volume, not wanting any music the reach you. Tim seemed to have noticed as well.

But Jason didn't. 

In fact, it seemed like he didn't time to react when the man in green came onto the screen. The Music Meister started to sing as soon as he was shown onto the screen. You and Tim couldn't hear what he was saying luckily, Jason was not so lucky.

Jason stood up and turned to you, you notice that the Music Meister was pointing to a picture of a stadium, which meant that he was trying to get everyone to the stadium. You get off the couch and jump away from Jason.

"Fuck off Jason." You yelled. Tim tried to restrain Jason, but Jason was obviously stronger and through Tim off him. Tim landed on his phone, which seemed to have broke it. Paniced Tim covers his ears.

Jason runs at you and picks you up, then started walking towards the door.


'Why the fuck didn't Tim just turn off the stupid TV' Grumbling to yourself and looking around again for something to do. Jason had taken you phone and threw it away, ass-hat.

"You look gloomy." A voice sounds from beside you. Looking to see who it was, you see it was a middle aged man, he was in a brown jacket, with a blue base ball hat covering his hair. Had an average looking face, though he had a gap between his teeth.

"I'm forced here against my will." You dead pan. Average man chuckles a bit, smiling at you. "For a kid, you got the maturity of something older." He points to a group of children around you age (5-7), they were playing around. 

"Those kids are your age, even a bit old maybe, yet they laugh and play like this is some kid of birthday party." He frowns. "I've been thinking of getting a kid recently, someone to carry my legacy for when I'm gone. I want a mature kid though. Not some rough house hooligan."

He shakes his head before smiling again, "What's your opinion of the Music Meister?" By now, you could guess that this was the Music Meister. So you'll answer smartly.

"He's my favorite villain."

The man smiles, before standing up. 'He is defiantly the Music Meister.' He takes off the Jacket and hat revealing his green cloths and red hair.

"Your in luck dear child." He holds his hand out to you. "Looks like I found my duet for the night."

"Now, lets create a show no once will forget, dear child"


Percentages not available

The ed was rushed, so it's bad, sorry

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