Chapter # 20

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Update on the timeline, it's been two days since the incident. We're starting on day three, four more days till the Cure is finished, two more days until Y/n will be moved to the Watchtower.

One day till Damien's plan unfolds.

PS: I hope you liked that fairytale, it's far more important to the plot that you think.


Damien sifts through his backpack, which would normally be filled with school supplies but was now filled with cloths, weapons, money, and other aseities. Tonight was the night Damien's plan would be set in motion.

While under the guise of going to school, he would actually be searching for places to hide, just until he can find a solution to his current problem.

Sighing, he focuses on packing again, too distracted by his own thoughts and worries to see a figure watch him from a distance. 


"They want to move Y/n to the Tower!?" Lois yelled from the phone, clearly surprised by the news. "But if they do that... how am I supposed to see my daughter? And what about going to school? Making friends? Or anything that a little girl her age is supposed to experience!?" Clark just sighs and waits for Lois to calm down before talking. "What about the rest of her family? How is she supposed to meet my, or your parents if she's stuck in space!?"

Clark listened to Lois's heavy breathing as her ranting slowly came to a stop. "Lois, I know the conditions of what's happening are unfair, but Y/n is in danger, Lois. And I'm not just talking about villains or bad people in general,"

Kent sighs. "Y/n is a danger to herself. She's done everything thing to 'escape' us. Things like trying to run away, purposely causing harm to me and others, refusal of any help that may include curing her amnesia, actively searching for ways to get her back to her "Real Family", and refusing to except that we're her family." Clark pauses, waiting for Lois to reply, but continues once he hears nothing.

"Y/n has had sever panic attacks, near death experiences almost weekly, and is currently on calming medication which makes it impossible for her to even think for herself!!" He yells before calming down again, mumbling an apology while rubbing his temples in exhaustion.

 "I understand how shitty it's going to be, she's my daughter too. But for her safety, and her health, it's better for her to spend a few years in the tower. J'onn will use his powers for her emotional/behavioral therapy after we use the 'Cure' on her. He'll make sure that she'll never do anything like this again." The man of steel says softly.

After a minute of silence, Clark smiles a bit, "Plus, Bruce said he can help with visiting. So don't worry, you, Jon and the grandparents will still be able to have plenty of family time with Y/n." He spoke lightheartedly.

"Fine, when you put it that way... I guess this may be reasonable." Clark just smiles. "I'm glad you understand. Now, I've to go, Love you, and see you in a few days."


Scarecrow stood silently as he watch the room fill with villains and hero's alike, all of which were summoned by Robin. The gathering were few, but still quite surprising.

Poison Ivy and Harley were standing in one corner of the room talking with each other. Acrossed from them was the Riddler, who was glaring at one of the hero's in the room. As mentioned before, there weren't just villains gathered in the warehouse.

Standing at the opposite side of the room was Conner, superman's clone, along with Kid Flash, Red Arrow and...

Red Hood.

The appearance of Red Hood made Scarecrow uncomfortable for many reasons. One being the fact that Red Hood killed people with his kind of... passions. Another would be the fact that the entire reason of why everyone was gathered here. And he was 99% sure that Robin clearly stated not wanting any of Batman's lackeys to catch wind of this 'plan'.

The door to the warehouse opens again, cutting of Scarecrows train of thought, and in walks a surprising figure. 

"Well, well, well..." Scarecrow chuckles, "What brings a big-shot man like you here, Lex Luther?" He rasps out. Lex merely shrugs, "I've been needing to get a leg up on Superman. The bird kid convinced me this was the best way. Plus..." Lex smirks to himself, "Who am I to say no to a poor, desperate, innocent child, who might be able to help me bring down Superman's image."

Lex sighs in glee, "I can already see the head lines, "Man of Steel, Keeping Young Captive Against Their Will." it's perfect." He laughs. 

Scarecrow rolls his eyes, "This is why I don't get involved with politics." He mumbles, moving away from Lex.

After awhile, the door once again opens revealing a familiar figure. Robin, who was wearing a school uniform and his robin mask, quickly rushed inside. Robin went to the front of the building, and stood where everyone could see him.

Robin clears his throat loudly, catching everyone's attention. "I'm glad you all made it," He started off. "I've called you all here because I need your help. And in return for your help, I'll help you."

The room stays silent for a moment before Lex speaks up.

"How exactly do you expect us to be able to help you?" He asks, "From the sounds of what you said in our last 'meeting' the entire Justice League will be against us. So how do you plan to win."

Others in the room nod and whisper in agreement. Clearing his throat, Robin cut's off their conversations.

""If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him."" Robin starts. ""If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest.""

Turning to face the the gathered people with a stoic face, Robin continues.

""If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."" Robin says with a a firm voice. 

""The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting" Sun Tzu Art of War. I memorized the book while I trained under the League of Assassins. If we want to win this fight, We first must utilize our recourses." Robin turns to Lex with a smirk. 

"Tell me Lex, what's one of the most useful thing to have in a a war?" Lex pauses for a moment before answering. "If my memory severs me correct, The use of spies is one of the most useful thing in war." Robin nods. "Correct. If we want to be able to trick the League long enough for our plan to unfold, we'll need inside information." Robin point's to the group of Hero's in the corner. 

"That's where they come in."


Here's the plan."


Sorry for the long wait and short chapter. But I would like to announce that the story will soon be coming to an end. We'll be reaching our finally very soon.

The plot for book two is already being formulated, so yay!

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