When He Finds Out You Got Hurt

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Tanjiro Kamado

You shivered violently, hands clutching your throbbing wound. Ever since you returned, you were terrified to go see Shinobu. It took days to get to and from your destination, and that meant if this was an infection, the damage was already being done.

You preferred to just die alone than deal with the pain, but that backfired hella since it was the most excruciating pain you'd ever experienced.

That'll change in a few years, but anyway, you were probably about to DIE. You slowly began losing consciousness, sliding down the wall of your comfortable room that smelled of medicine(Mitsuri thought you were just sick.)

Just then, the door slammed open and Shinobu, Tanjiro, and Mitsuri all came rushing in.

"What happened?" You asked, sitting up as best as you could.

"You happened!" Mitsuri replied, a worried tone in her voice. "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?"

Her voice got tearful as she spoke and you began to feel bad.

"I was scared... I didn't wanna tell you." You replied. A hiss left your mouth when Tanjiro hoisted you up in his arms princess style.

"How bad is it?" He asked, finally speaking after the scary silence he'd had.

"I don't know." You answered shortly.

"Bring her to the butterfly estate and let me look." Shinobu was far ahead from the three of you, determination in her steps the faster she went.

It was quiet aside from the sniffles and short sobs that came from Mitsuri. You felt terrible for making her go through that.

Eventually, you made it to one of the hospital beds and Tanjiro sat you down as carefully as he could.

"Alright... got a feeling this is gonna be bad." Shinobu muttered. Both Mitsuri and Tanjiro gave her worried looks and she glanced at them. "What? It's in my professional opinion... kinda."

"Oh.." Mitsuri breathed a response, eyes widening fearfully. "I have to go I can't look."

"It doesn't even hurt that much.." you protested.

"That's not the good thing you think it is because lookie-lookie little sister, your wound is infected." Her eyes focused on the gash in your side, a sharp breath coming from Tanjiro.

Your eyes began tearing up and you started crying. You brought your hands up to cover your face.

"Im sorry..! I was scared! I didn't want it to hurt and- and now it's worse!" You cried.

"Don't worry, you're fine." Shinobu reassured.

You wanted to say sorry to Tanjiro, but the shoji thudded lightly. You assumed that meant he left and you cried more.

Then you started venting to Shinobu and talking about random shit like you were high as she treated your wound.

"This is gonna be a long day..." she mumbled.

Zenitsu Agatsuma

You held your hands over your abdomen, limping painfully back to the flame estate.

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