1 - Chocolate muffins

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When I was younger, I always thought that by the time I turned 25, my life would be perfect. I would be married to the perfect guy, two children, the perfect house with a white picket fence and a family dog.

Yeah. That didn't happen.

But to be honest, I'm not complaining. I've matured since then and I'm quite happy on my own. Most of the time.

Of course, I do get lonely, but then I remember that I've always been okay on my own.

For most of my life, I had always played it safe. I never tried to make friends, never tried to travel somewhere new. Relationships were just something I would read about in the latest novel I had bought. My parents always wanted me to make more friends, form bonds with the people around me, but it never really happened. I guess that's why it was so much easier for me to move halfway across the world.

When I turned 20, I decided to move to New York and I can happily say that it's the best decision I have ever made.

I always had the dream of owning my own bakery and I made it come true. Sure, it was difficult when I first moved here, but I did it. And I couldn't be prouder of myself, my parents too.

My parents are the only thing I actually miss about England to be honest. I'm an only child, so I never really had anyone except my parents my entire life. They are so proud of me for living here on my own, despite their constant nagging for me to find a boyfriend.

With a heavy sigh, I tied my apron around my waist and put my hair up into a messy bun. When I first moved here, I worked in this bakery for a wonderful older gentleman named Ralph. He reminded me of my grandfather and I reminded him of his granddaughter. We became really close and when he decided to retire and move closer to his family, I bought the bakery off of him. It also has an apartment upstairs, so I didn't even need to pay for accommodation as an extra.

It is difficult sometimes, managing everything myself, but I find it quite fun actually. I do most things myself. I have three employees as well, my best friend Theia, her twin brother Danny and Sofia. They are my best and only friends and we all work really well together.

It was only 9 am right now, so I was the only one in the bakery. I didn't mind it though, it gave me a little time to myself.

The chime of the doorbell made me walk out to the till.

"Welcome to a slice of life, what can I do for you today?" I smiled at the customer.

"Americano, as it comes." The man grumbled.

I like to think that I've built up the capability to read people very well so instead of talking to this man again, I just started making his drink.

"$3.50, sir." I smiled again.

The man pulled out a black card and swiped it across the card machine.

Oh he's rich rich.

"Thank you! Hope you have a good day." I wished him as he took his coffee and walked out, allowing an elderly woman to place her order.


After a long day of taking orders, making coffee and baking anything and everything under the sun, I started to clean down. Theia came in at around 11 and she's currently in the back cleaning the last few things.

Just as I was about to go and turn around the 'open' sign, a small boy ran into the bakery, followed by an older woman, probably his Nanny or Grandmother. He squished his nose against the display cabinet, eyes wide as he looked at the assortment of freshly made pastries.

Chocolate MuffinsWhere stories live. Discover now