Chapter 27: Chased

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"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."       -Winston Churchill

Isabella POV

I watched the clock as it finally became time to leave school for the day. My mind still racing with what happened in the cafeteria. My classmates all filed out going to where they needed to be as I finished putting away my things. I say a quick goodbye to my teacher as she begins wiping down the board. I stand in the hallway waiting for Ilias to come get me so we can go wait by the car for Mateo.

Ilias eventually turns around the corner, looking like he is a whole 2 minutes from passing out on the spot. His drooping eyes lit up as he saw me waiting for him in my usual spot by the janitor's closet. I like this spot because no one really notices me when I'm standing here, that and the janitor, Mr. Kacy, is really nice and sneaks me whatever candy he has. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't at lunch today, I was just super tired, and the ISS teacher is far too scared to wake me up." Ilias blurted out as we made our way out of the school. "Anything interesting happen while I wasn't there?" Nothing much really other than being threatened by some girl named Hailey who's apparently obsessed with you. Maybe I can just pretend like I didn't hear his question.

"Oh, it's ok, it's not really a big deal-wait why is Mr. Steel scared of you?" I questioned. Ilias's eyes widened a little in what seems to be realization of what he said.

"Who knows, he just is." Ilias drawled, looking at the ground. Weird. "Anyways, do you know every teacher's name in this place?" Ilias asked, changing the subject. Double weird.

"I think it's mean to refer to someone as to what they teach. Since they're more than that." I answered, making Ilias mumble something about me being too nice for my own good. We continue the rest of our walk in silence.

Ilias and I stand by the car waiting for Mateo to come out of his school so we could start heading home. A gust of wind blew, and I couldn't help the shiver that went through my body at the coldness of the air. I wrapped my arms around my body trying to contain any and all body heat. You'd expect that after 2 years in a cold basement I'd would be used to the cold but that can't be more wrong. Ilias looked me over.

"Where's your sweater from this morning?"

"Mia got cold in Mr. Buckman's class so I gave it to her." I explained, "she forgot to give it back though but I'm sure I'll get it back tomorrow." I rushed out; Ilias began taking off his hoodie.

"Why are you-" Ilias put his hoodie over my head, effectively stopping my question. I look at him questioningly.

"I can deal with the cold, but you on the other hand will probably end up getting sick. And I can't have my favorite baby sister getting sick now, can I?"


"No buts, you can let me use your shoulder as a pillow until we get back home as a thank you for giving you my hoodie." I nodded my head yes, happy to pay him back for letting me use his hoodie. 

I put my arms in the sleeves and the hoodie practically swallowed me whole due to my short stature. Ilias was holding back his laughter at how big the hoodie is on me. I turn away from him and let out a huff of annoyance.

I spot Mateo walking towards us with his usual smile. I gave him a wave once I knew he could see us. Mateo picked up his pace and eventually he wrapped his arms around me and Ilias pulling us both into a hug, I tensed for a moment before hugging him back. 

"Oh, how I missed my little baby siblings." Mateo pulled back, "Alright get in the car you two, I'm ready to get home. It's been a long day." 

The three of us hopped in the car and Ilias quickly made himself comfortable on my shoulder as he closed his eyes. Mateo pulled out of our parking space onto the road. A yawn escapes my lips as I realize how tired I am. I rest my head on top of Ilias's and feel my eyes begin to close.

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