Chapter 31: Birthday Party

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"The more you praise and celebrate life, the more there is in life to celebrate." -Oprah Winfrey

Isabella POV

I sit up with a sigh. We've been out of school for fall break for almost a full week now. The first 4 days were like being forced to stay home those 2 days all over again, but over last 2 days they've all been super secretive. In fact, I've only really been seeing Ilias nowadays. I don't know if I should be thankful that I'm not being driven to insanity anymore or worried that they don't seem all too interested in me now.

I asked Ilias if he knew what was going on, but he wasn't really helpful because all he did was just shrug his shoulders. I only see everyone from my family at dinner time though I have noticed that Aunt Andrea, Mateo, and Nonna have been leaving earlier than they usually do. I'm probably just looking too much into it. Ilias and Apollo did say that I seem to do that a lot.

Anyhow, I've really been missing school or more specifically my friends-I still find it really weird to say I have friends-it's been really easygoing since Hailey was expelled. Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock were really mad about that, they even went on the news about how Hailey was wrongfully expelled.

They even went as far as to say that I was making the whole thing up because our family business was beginning to lose to their cosmetic business, we bribed the principal and school board all to get their daughter expelled. I don't really know much about business but according to everyone I've talked to, our business is way ahead of theirs. Uncle Tommaso did end up hacking into TV networks though to stop it from airing. Pavel even told me he did something to the Whitlock's, but he won't tell me what exactly he did.

More importantly though, I've even made another friend! His name is Lucas, he has light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He's a transfer student from Canada which I think is really cool.

Someone knocks on my door; I sigh a come in. I already know who it is by the knock.

"Good morning little sister!" Ilias cheered, his normal goofy smile on his face. He runs and belly flops on my bed before I can even greet him back. I scrunch my eyebrows seeing him fully dressed in his regular clothes, he normally just wears some gym shorts and a t-shirt when he's just hanging around the house. "You need to get dressed too, Nonna said that Nonno wants to take us somewhere for 'our special day.'" Ilias informed me, making air quotes with his fingers as he said our special day. Did he just read my mind? Did we just have a twin moment? Wait, what does he mean our special day?

Ilias shoots up at my confused expression. "Don't tell me you don't know what today is! It's October 27, It's our 14th birthday, sorellina pazza!" Ilias expressed looking absolutely bewildered. (crazy little sister)

Gabriella (Nonna) POV

"Alright bye miei preziosi nipoti have a good time with Nonno." I kissed Ilias and Isabella on the cheek, Ilias rushed out the door after Rocco handed him the car keys. Isabella went behind her brother but not before giving me a wave goodbye which I gladly returned. She is far too sweet to be a Romano. (my precious grandchildren)

Once the two of them are out of view, I turn to my husband. Giving him a stern look, "You keep them in your view at all times. I don't care if they are 14 or 81, you better not let them wonder off especially Ilias. Now remember you're taking them to the movies to watch an age-appropriate movie and afterwards get them ice-cream. That way we can finish setting up their birthday party, understand?" I question my husband. Rocco nods his head frantically. Making him look like a child being told by his mother what to do when she leaves him alone. Honestly, how are people scared of him?

Rocco leans down letting me kiss his cheek. "Alright, I love you. Be good, don't make me regret letting you supervise our grandkids alone. And Rocco if I find out you had ice-cream with the twins, I will murder you, we both know what your doctor said about staying away from sugar."

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