35) New Saviours!

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Song dedicated to this chapter- Big shot by Tarsem jassar ❤️

Song dedicated to this chapter- Big shot by Tarsem jassar ❤️

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Writer's POV

A man was sleeping peacefully, while the clock was showing 4:11.A.M.

He had just arrested the culprit of the Raghuvanshi's 4 hours ago.

But soon his Phone ranged, abruptly breaking his peaceful slumber!
While rubbing his eyes he picked the phone!

"Hello!" He yawned in between.

But as he listened to the person speaking on the other side, his eyes went wide as his sleep went out of the window.

The Chief Minister of Rajasthan was on the call!

And he ordered the officer to immediately go to his police station and tend to his special guests!

The officer immediately got ready and started his car, the speed of car was over the speed limit.

While driving the car, he immediately called his junior who was still in the police station, to take special care of C.M's guests, who were about to arrive any minute.


A few mins ago

At the police station

Writer's POV

The officer on night duty were doing their job, when suddenly they heard sound of many footsteps coming from the corridor towards the main room of the place.

The footsteps were in sync almost like that of the trained force's.

Than the footsteps stopped, and only two people came inside the room.

But the footsteps indicated that atleast 10-15 people were coming together, so it meant that others were standing outside.

The two men who came inside stood infront of the officer.

The man who looked elder spoke first.

"Officer, I am Advocate Roohdaar Khan and this is Rajveer Singh Aulakh." He introduced himself as well as the young man beside him.

Mr.Khan was dressed in white shirt looking all fit and rough.

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