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"Thank you, Lucy."

Emma stood over Ruth and Lucy. Lucy made quick work rewrapping Ruth's stitches. Emma cringed and winced when her stitches were revealed. Lucy, however, had a sense of professionalism as she cleaned her stitches. She didn't make any jokes or looked bothered.

Ruth could feel the stitches but with the medication, she was feeling a little loopy. Lucy moving over her had her had the world spinning. If Ruth could smile she would have. It was the greatest feeling in the world.

"Chip was a walking vet bill when he was younger." She smiled at Chip who was sitting behind Ruth. Ruth knew he was close, able to feel his breath on her fur. "If he wasn't crippled he'd probably continue to get himself in trouble." She smacked her hands together and smiled. "There. You can rewrap it next time. The vet did a good job stitching her up."

Emma nodded. "Do you know anyone who can watch her?"

Lucy shook her head. "I think she might be fine by herself. If you want I can leave Chip here with her."

Ruth huffed. She still didn't like Chip, but he has stayed by her side ever since Lucy came. It was nice to know he cared somewhat despite his anger issues.

Stood before gathering up all the supplies she used to rewrap Ruth. "If you are worried you could call Noah?" She smiled at Emma. "I bet he wouldn't mind."

Emma rolled her eyes and if Ruth could without getting dizzy she would too. "He's not going to want to babysit a dog."

"Of course, he would!" Lucy smacked Emma's shoulder as she walked to the kitchen. "Besides, he only needs to babysit one day. I have the rest of the week off so I can take over after."

Emma nodded. "That's true."

Ruth was irritated, and it seemed to spread to Chip who was barking quietly into the abyss. What was up with this Noah? She knew she would be ok alone. It hurt, it definitely hurt. But she wasn't dying. She was smart enough to not rip the stitches open. And if Chip was going to be left here that would be the most company she wanted.

If anything she could imagine Chip and her maybe getting on better terms. Maybe she could get him to stop biting her with his gummy mouth as he had lost all his teeth years ago. 

"I'll call him." Emma decided. 

Ruth wanted to whine but she kept quiet not wanting to stress out Emma more than she already was.


Noah was at the dinner table for lunch but he couldn't find it in himself to eat. He was listening to Danial whine about his mate's new obsession with bright colors across the table. And how every time he was away from home he lost more of the masculine touch his home had to hot pinks and odd purples.

He wished he had that problem. Instead, he had to pull a rouge off of his mate and learn she hates him. He couldn't figure out why. He didn't think he did anything to hurt her or upset her. But he was confused as to why it seemed like she didn't know what she was. Why wouldn't she just turn human and tell him what the problem was? Since they were not from the same pack he couldn't talk to her wolf.

Maybe she was hiding? Maybe this whole playing dog was a way to escape something? He had a feeling maybe she was a rouge, but he had his doubts. Rouge wolves were usually banned from their pack due to aggression or from doing something horrible. It was also often for wolves would just go rouge on their own, they were more labeled as wanderers since they were not dangerous and at most were just thieves. He wondered if she left her pack on her own.

He knew he should tell his alpha about it. He knew the alpha Lucas needed to know about the rouge that attacked Ruth. But how the hell could he explain Ruth? His biggest fear was his alpha jumping into the situation and doing something that'd scare Ruth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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