Monday Morning

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The photo shows Noah. :)

Noah looked in the mirror, scratching his beard that he's been growing since winter, as he looked himself over. He decided to wear a pair of dark blue jeans and a simple T-shirt. He looks fresh being all caught up on his sleep. For the past few days, he has been training hard with the other warriors. The shirt he wore was filled in well with his muscles and through his jeans too. With a toothy smile, showing off his impressive canines, he finished up in the bathroom and made his way down the hall.

The alpha and the beta have just finished all the paperwork up to earlier today and thought it would be good to go out for coffee this morning with some of the others including himself. Being a coffee addict he already planned to go either way. He scheduled his training for later tonight so he could go out and goof off with the others in the busier part of the city.

Walking down the hall he saw the rest of the men having breakfast. Keeping to old traditions. In this pack, the duties were greatly biased. Women did the cooking and cleaning, while the men went to work. Some men however who are omega work in the kitchen and some women who had alpha traits would join the men. However, in decision-making for the pack both men and women participated. But besides that women and men kept to their roles. Alpha liked it that way. And Noah personally liked it too, that's how he was raised.

With a wicked grin, he glanced into the kitchen. Millie, Noah's close friend was flipping pancakes. She was a petite woman. Her strawberry blonde hair was short cut. She was like a little fireball. With light feet, he walked into the kitchen behind her. Another woman was walking by with a plate of pancakes out into the dining room.


Millie dropped a pancake onto the floor that she was about to flip and nearly hit Noah with the spatula as she turned around. When she saw that it was only Noah holding a wide grin she let out a breath and leaned against the counter.

With a quick breath, she seethed, "Damn you, Noah!" She watched as Noah raised his hands in surrender as he went to get a napkin. "You are making me age faster than I need too."

Noah scoffed, "It's not me, it's those little misfits." Millie was a mother of two little orphans from a rouge family. And with them being little wolf boys he wouldn't be surprised if she started to wrinkle. He picked up the pancake and threw it like a frisbee into the garbage bin. They were the cutest little rascals.

With scrutiny, Millie watched as Noah stole a couple of pancakes to stack onto his own plate before dowsing them in syrup. After his pancakes were perfect he grabbed a fork from the dry rack. "You stay pretty, tiny, Millie."

As he ran out of the kitchen laughing a spatula chased after him and hit the wall.

Cute little fireball.



Ruth wanted to cry as the stranger pet her head. The only thing that kept her sanity was the air conditioning that the building offered, besides that, she felt like she was in hell. Her legs were sore and spent. Side cramps were still settled deeply in her side.

"She's so cute!" After taking a sip of her coffee and sat across from Emma. She couldn't help but look down again at Ruth and make a baby face. "Poor baby not in shape?"

Emma held in her giggles. Looking down she saw Ruth lying down by her feet panting hard, her tongue hanging out as she watched people walk by. Emma decided to jog and get a feel of how Ruth would be out on the leash when she met Lucy out for coffee. Emma would have to hire a dog trainer if Ruth had any problems.

Besides Ruth's horrible cardio, she was great.

Ruth stayed on the sidewalk and was beside Emma the whole way here. Near the end, however, Ruth has trouble keeping up with her. She wasn't trying to lead or pull on the leash, she just couldn't keep up. She didn't chase a bird or any of the squirrels that were in the city park, she didn't bark at people or cars, and she wasn't spooky of anything, just cautious.

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