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"There's no time for introductions. We must warm you up before you become hypothermic. Master Dipendra, if you would."

She was the leader, no doubt about that. She had the authority to make everyone else scurry back and form two straight columns for me to advance through without saying a single other word. The man she addressed as Master Dipendra was the only one who didn't fall into either line, but that was only because he took up his station right next to the woman, as ordered.

But as cold as I was, there was no way I could just leave.

"H-he has to come, too," I managed between chattering teeth. I was shivering so much I wasn't certain if she could even understand me, but I had to make sure she did. "B-b-bound. Cont-contract. I can exp-explain later. Please."

Master Dipendra's eyes widened slightly as he glanced past my shoulder. Asmodeus was still waiting back there, too close for anyone's comfort. But I didn't have a choice. He was with me, and I wasn't about to leave him to freeze in the mountains. Our fates were bound up together now. What happened to him, happened to me.

"Contract?" the woman repeated calmly. How in the world were these people not freezing into popsicles? My knees were about to freeze over. "You formed a contract with a demon of that class?"

"D-didn't have a ch-choice. Please. I can v-vouch for him." I pulled my hands out from where I'd tried to stow them in my (still-freezing) armpits and showed her the glimmering brand on my wrist. "I promise. If I'm lying, j-just kill us b-both."

"There won't be any killing today. Very well. Come in, both of you."

"Master!" Dipendra objected, but with a single glance, she silenced him instantly. Whoa.

"Please, come with me. And you as well... back there." Her gaze lingered on Asmodeus for the briefest of instants, then to me. "This is unusual to say the least, but I know well the Solaria line. If anyone can be relied on to keep a demon such as that one in check, it would be you." Her smile widened suddenly. "Your mother and I are bound in an oath of hospitality anyway, so I don't have much of a choice now, do I?"

I didn't dare correct her on her seeming assumption that I possessed the legendary Solaria power to go with my bloodline. She could find that out later once we were already inside, and hopefully, she wouldn't kick us out once she learned I lacked the proper Solaria training.

That bridge could wait to be crossed.


The temple compound and its courtyard were massive, even bigger than it had looked in the picture my mom left behind long ago. The complex straddled the pass, leaving almost no room on the sides, and it was at least ten floors high, tiered and tapering, with majestically sloping roofs. Red and brown all over, it stood out starkly against the white snow, a grand manor where hundreds of monks carried on their temple duties.

Well, they weren't right this second. Most stationed themselves along the outer walkways bordering each level of the temple, weapons at the ready and all eyes following me. Or rather, following Asmodeus. Lust. Whatever.

"Inside here." The woman with the braid effortlessly opened up two thick double doors that seemed too heavy for any one person to move, then gracefully released the ring handholds so she could step aside and let us through. "This isn't the inner sanctuary, but one of the outer temples on the grounds. I'm sure you understand my caution."

I glanced back at Lust as I entered, who stared back at me with gleaming red eyes. He was following a little too close on my heels for comfort, especially since I could feel his... emotions, I think, pulsing out of him more and more insistently. Was it anger? Desire? I couldn't tell. All I knew was that he was still as dangerous as ever. These people were smart to not trust him. "Of course. I'm grateful you let us in at all. Thank you, Master."

"I'm sure there's much for us to talk about, but you should enjoy the warm bath first. It's part of the purification ritual for all visitors."


"Ah, your... friend won't be needing one, since it's likely to hurt him more than anything. But the purification will strip you of any lingering corrupting traces, which is vital if you'll be staying here. We sit on top of a portal to the many realms. Trouble is often afoot." She winked. "It's also very good aromatherapy."

Well, if she said it like that, I was dying for a good shower. A bath would do, especially if it was as luxurious as my mom mentioned temple baths were. "I don't have extra clothes. I'm sorry to impose."

"Nonsense. You'll need to be in one of our robes while you're here anyway. They're protective armor against dark magic." She glanced past me. "Though maybe that would interfere with your business. Even so, I can't make exceptions. I'm responsible for your safety. There's a bath in here with warm water, so follow me, please."


Did this minor building sit on top of a hot spring? The woman brought me to a small bathing area deeper inside with rectangular pools of clear water that steamed and swirled, and I stood there like an idiot until she laughed.

"As I said, we sit on a portal leading to many realms. This particular room is conveniently connected to the hot springs of Gennawarsin. It soothes and heals many injuries. I'll return with your robe in a few minutes. Please take your time."

She left again, and I stripped off in a hurry before sinking into one of the pools. Oh, God. I almost moaned, but Asmodeus was waiting outside and he would get the wrong idea if I made a sound like that. But still... holy shit, that felt so good. I could fall asleep like this in a second if I let myself.

But this wasn't the time for sleeping. I got to work scrubbing myself down with the washcloth and soap waiting neatly by the edge of the pool. The important thing was to finish up, get dressed, have a long talk with the 'Master' and explain how I'd ended up walking around with a demon of such high caliber when I wasn't even really a witch--

"You look lonely," a familiar voice rasped behind me. "I think I'll join you, love."

Sinners' Kingdom #1: The Book of Lust (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now