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Even as Sarina spoke, her army moved. And that was exactly what they were — how could I have forgotten they weren't the tree-hugging pacifists in Netflix documentaries, when they had first greeted me with all their weapons poised when I first arrived? Stupid! Stupid, but what use was self-flagellation now?

Think, think, think. There had to be a solution. I had made it this far, and I wouldn't die like a dog here. Nor would I stay trussed up so she could hand me over to the Coven once they got here. Whatever Sarina had planned for me, I wanted no part in it.

I rolled in the opposite direction, throwing myself away from her as hard as I could down the gentle slope. The snow was so powdery that I kept sinking through it, but it didn't even matter. I didn't get more than five feet before the humming, crackling rope around me tightened ruthlessly and yanked me back. My face crashed into Sarina's shin, bruising my nose with such force that I thought the bones had crushed straight back into my brain for a sickening moment. Pain blasted over my face like a cannonball, and I curled up with a choked gasp, too thunderstruck to even shout.

I had to stand. I had to run properly, that was the only way. Even through the thick haze of pain and the coppery stench far up in my nose teasing an imminent nosebleed, the thought still came loud and clear. Stay calm. Stay smart. The pain would stick around, so it didn't need to be attended to right now. Save it for later and whine about it then, but run now.

Futile. The coils wrapped around my torso to pin my arms to my sides had already worked their way down my body when I wasn't paying attention. How had that happened? I could have sworn I could still move my knees seconds ago, but maybe I had imagined it. Now the plan to stagger to my feet was over before it could even begin.

Fine. Just as well. My legs were so unsteady and numb that I would have fallen over with the first step anyway.

But what could I do now? What options did I have left to try?

"Give up."

Sarina's voice was calm, peacefully frigid. No anger. Not even annoyance. I looked up, searching her face like I could find some clue as to what to do next, but all I found was a stone-cold stare, no emotion, no mercy.

"You're dying, Witch Solaria. I wouldn't recommend struggling uselessly, as you'll freeze to death. My aura through the cord is the only thing sustaining a portion of your body heat." Her eyes narrowed. "You haven't tried to cast any spells, so you must know what this is already." She flicked her wrist slightly, drawing the glowing rope even tighter around my shivering body. "But I owe you a clear warning nonetheless. Yes, this is a cord from Indra's Net. Using magic in its binds risks death."

Okay. I'd had no idea, but I would let her think that I'd already known. It perfectly explained why I didn't defend myself when any witch in my position would already have cast a dozen spells in one breath. This would be the worst time to admit I was practically human, utterly defenseless with no magic. Keeping that to myself might give me an edge yet, for later.

If I survived long enough to see it.

But my legs... That was why they were so unsteady. They were already numb from the freezing temperatures and the dangerous moisture all over my uncovered skin. No clothes. No protection. I was literally naked in a blizzard and she was right: even if I slipped away, I was going to die.

Fuck me. It had finally happened. I had no way to free myself, no way to even try to fight back.

I was a fucking damsel in distress, and there was only one person who could save me now. One demon.

"Asmodeus!" I screamed. My mouth was already falling numb, the cold now spreading to all the rest of me. Wait, was I starting to feel warm? Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. That wasn't good. "Asmodeus!"

Sinners' Kingdom #1: The Book of Lust (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now