Chapter three

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"So, I got this job offer last night." Harper said to their mother. The two were sitting on the living room couch at Portia's house. It has now been one and a half weeks since Harper last spoke to Sienna. 

"That's good. What kinda job is it?" 

"Well. It's the same place where you and Sienna work." 

Portia turned to look at Harper, but soon turned back to look at the tv.

"Oh. That's great. We're really in need of some decent workers…" 

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure I'm at least decent. I'm starting there on monday." Harper said calmly. It's now Tuesday, so Harper will have to find some past-time activities until they start the new job next week. They quit their previous job less than a week ago, their boss had been a pain in the ass the whole time Harper worked there and especially to Harper. It was all probably because they're non-binary and lesbian. Their boss was one of those narrow-minded people in the world… Like there weren't enough of them already.

"Have you seen Sienna? She's been acting a bit odd for the past couple of weeks." Portia asked, as she was scrolling through her phone.

"Ummm, nope, not really." Harper lied. They didn't want their mother to find out about the things that had been going on with the two. Sienna would tell Portia herself if she felt comfortable… hopefully asking Harper for consent first. But hopefully, she wouldn't talk about it at all… They were never going to date or be a couple so why not just forget it all? That would be easier and they could both move on with their lives. 

But… Not easier for Harper, since they felt like they were already in love with the woman. The two have known each other for years, so the feelings have been developing for a great deal of time already. But it's not like Harper would ever confess their 'undying love' towards Sienna, since the woman claimed to be straight. Even after having sex with Harper. But maybe the sex was just… some kind of awakening for her?



Shit, I'm gonna be late…!" Harper yelled as they rushed around their apartment, trying to find everything before leaving for work. It was now Monday and Harper would finally be starting at their new job. Harper had agreed to carpool with their mother, who would be arriving any minute now. And that's when Harper's phone started ringing. Without checking, assuming it was Portia, Harper answered.

"Yeah I'm coming." They said into the phone, collecting all the remaining stuff into their backpack. For example, a water bottle and lunch. 

"Oh okay. Well, we're waiting at the door." 


"Yeah. Hurry please, we don't want to be late."

"Oh, right. Yeah. I'll be there in a minute." Said Harper, ending the call. They knew that Sienna worked at the same place but didn't think of her being in the same carpool… but why wouldn't she be there? They're all going to the same place, it saves gas. 

Finally when Harper had gathered all the stuff they needed for work, they took their backpack and left the apartment. They rushed down the stairs into the lobby and out the front door. 

"Sorry I took so long. Couldn't find my keys." 

"You're gonna have to find some other way to go to work if you do this once more. We're all gonna be late now." 

"Sorry mom. Won't happen again." Harper said back, a little out of breath. Sienna and Portia were sitting on the front seats so Harper had to take place in the backseat, which was fine. Seeing Sienna brought up so many different feelings and thoughts it would be harder to remain cool if she was sitting next to them. Now, Harper only had to wish they wouldn't have to work with Sienna, at least not for a while. They still hadn't forgiven Sienna for what she did. Using Harper like that, it hurt. It hurt a lot. Being hurt by the woman you love… Why would someone do that? 

When the three finally arrived at work, Portia and Sienna showed Harper where the locker room was so they could change into work clothes and leave their lunch in the connected break room that had a fridge in it for the workers to use. 

After changing and keeping their lunch in the fridge, Harper followed their mother who promised to show them around. But, as soon as they arrived at Portia's workstation, the woman was drowned by questions by her subordinates. Portia was actually one of the bosses there and would continue working as the boss of Harper too. 

"Uh, Sienna, can you take over and show Harper around?" 


The day at work went by fast. In the morning, Sienna helped Harper get to know the place, showing where everything necessary was. It's not like Harper would remember all of the places and other information Sienna gave them, but maybe after working there for a few months. 

Harper, Sienna and Portia were now sitting in Portia's car, on their way home from work. Sienna and Harper had secretly, meaning without letting Portia know, planned to have coffee at Sienna's place after work. 

"I'll see you tomorrow Sienna." 

"Actually, I'm dropping off here too." Harper said quickly, getting out of the car before Portia could question anything. It wasn't typical for these two to hangout alone, so it would probably awaken questions in Portia's head. 

"Bye mom!"

Then Harper slammed the door shut and the two walked into the apartment building. Without saying a word, the two traveled in the elevator up to the second floor where Sienna's apartment was located.

Sienna opened the door with her keys and let Harper walk in first. They both took off their shoes and Sienna walked straight into the kitchen to make coffee. 

"So, is there a reason you asked me to come here?" 

"No reason. Just wanted to drink coffee in company."

"...Okie dokie."

Harper sat down on the beige couch in the living room and turned on the tv. They put on the show 'Grey's Anatomy', continuing season four episode seven. This was actually their favorite show, and if someone didn't know that, they didn't know Harper at all. 

Soon, Sienna came into the living room with two cups of coffee, giving the other to Harper. 

"How was your first day at work?" 

"Well, you spent most of it with me so you know how it went."

"Yes, I know… but, what are your thoughts? Do you think you'll enjoy working there?"

"Well, it seems to be better than my last job, so, maybe." 

"Good. Great." Sienna said eagerly before sipping their black coffee. 

The two kept watching Grey's Anatomy in silence, drinking their coffee. Harper kept taking glances at Sienna, who seemed really focused on the tv. But little did Harper know, when they were focusing on the show, Sienna took glances at Harper too. 

After enduring enough awkward silence, Harper put their coffee down on the table and turned to Sienna. Without saying a word, only staring into her greyish-blue eyes, Harper gave enough signs for Sienna to lean forward and kiss the other.



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