Am I The Asshole For Stubbing My Toe In 2nd Grade?

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(Posted in the summer of 2022)

So this was 2015, fun fact, the year I got into fnaf! Anyways, I should introduce you to some important characters. First is our now deceased teacher, who we'll call Ms. Butterfly, and our dear friend, Bam.

So, at the time, a third of the way into the year, our class learned that dear sweet Ms. Butterfly had breast cancer. So for the rest of the year we had one specific sub, with occasional video calls from Ms. Butterfly while she was in the hospital.

Well, one day, our usual sub needed a sub, and so came the woman we shall call, Ms. Bitch.

Now, since this was seven years ago, my memory is a bit fuzzy, so this won't be 100% accurate. In fact, I'd say it's 24% accurate. So if any of my old old old friends read this, please correct me on some things and tell me what you remember.

Anyways, so I'm not entirely sure, but I think Bam had a form of tourettes..? He blurts out words unintentionally. This is important because, from what I've been told, Ms. Bitch SLAPPED Bam because of his blurts! WHAT THE HELL!?

From that moment, I remembered her complaining about how he was a distraction to the class. Most of us were used to him at the time, so, he really wasn't disturbing us. I also remember her thinking that Bam was faking it for attention. He wasn't.

Most of what happened after was a blur... but then came recess, indoor recess. You know how elementary school desks have legs like two L's mirrored together..? Well, I was being an 8 year old with D.A.V.E., speed walking around the room, and hanging out with friends. Now the thing about D.A.V.E. is that he makes you unaware of your body for a bit, which causes, at least me, a large number of toe-stubbing. Severe toe-stubbing. So, while speed walking around like a goofball, I REALLY stub my toes, multiple toes, on a desk foot. And being a rather emotional human being, and an 8 year old, I cried. And who would blame me!? You'd cry too if you stubbed multiple toes!

So as I was crying, Ms. Bitch snapped at me, probably thinking I was seeking attention. Since I was also a sensitive child, getting yelled at because I got hurt made me cry a bit louder. You know her response? She had me stand in the corner, not allowed to enjoy next recess, not allowed to participate in class, not allowed to talk to my friends, for a LONG time! I remember just standing there trying to cry as quietly as possible, so I could go back to my friends! That's most of my memory of that day!

Now, if you think whenever I stubbed my toe and cried, I was being dramatic... I'm currently 14, turning 15 in three months. Around the July 4th, I stubbed my toe on a table leg, and emotionally died crying. It was the silent type of crying with a waterfall of tears. I definitely was NOT faking the tears from that toe-stub.

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