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Remember the chapter "Poor Dragon", where I explained how Sugar kept trying to get me with one of my guy friends, even though we do NOT like each other in any way like that? (To the extent of my knowledge)

Well, I believe I have found her a "shipping buddy".

For shits and giggles, we'll call him Alfredo.

My first encounter with Alfredo's weird antics was near the beginning of my sophomore year. I share biology and US history with him, and another buddy of mine who we'll call... Uh... C-Cowgirl..? This is the same person that accidentally punched me in the face in drama class.

That was some funny shit.

Anyways, one day, Cowgirl and I put our artistic talents and resources together to finish a project for US history. We read our poster, showed it off, and described why we made it the way we did.

The next morning, in Bio, Cowgirl and I are talking, when Alfredo walks up to us and goes "Are you two dating?"

Cowgirl and I glanced at each other.

"No... What exactly made you think that?" (I think) I said(?).

"Because you two worked so well on your presentation yesterday."


This dude... Thought we were dating... Because we did a good job on our assignment... That was completed very quickly...



That's what he thinks a romantic couple looks like!?

Homework partners- *lé gasp*- doing HOMEWORK!? How ✨scandalous✨!

I didn't really hear anything like that from him since then until... Last Thursday...

February 8th 2024...

We were doing a lab assignment- I don't really remember exactly what, all I know is "the beats are cells, cut up two beat cubes and dump them in bleach with your partners". Me and my lab partners dump our two beat cubes into the bleach beaker, when Alfredo's group comes along.

Alfredo asks me about how my novel's going and how I'm doing. (To which I responded by stating the fact that I am never okay, because I believe being honest about how you're feeling to other people is a step closer to fixing whatever problem's going on mentally)

Out of nowhere, Alfredo glances at a guy who we'll call... Uuuuhhhh... "Kyle"... and says:

"Yeah, Kyle has a crush on you."

Kyle doesn't react in the way someone with a crush on another person would react to that. Instead he just calmly goes, "Yeah no. No I don't."

I agree with him and say, "I really don't think he does..."

Alfredo nods, "Alright you got me. Shadow, you see that guy over there?" He points to a guy hanging out on his phone at the other side of the lab, "he's the one who has a crush on you."

Is this bitch for real?

After we stopped his weird ass version of match-maker, he got me to draw him and a few of our other classmates (with their permission of course) and class ends...

But that's weird as shit, right?


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