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An hour before midnight almost everyone passed out.

Either on the couch, in the kitchen, or the rooms. The house was a mess but I didn't care about it at the moment.

My sober self will take care of that tomorrow. But tonight, we were celebrating.

I was sipping on my whiskey and coke because I didn't feel like sleeping even though I could collapse at any moment now.

Seeley stumbled into the living room after washing his face. He was sweaty from all the dancing we'd done tonight. His hair was messy as if he has been trying to tear it out all night.

When he saw me, he walked over to me.

"Don't tell me Casen passed out too." He said glancing at his friend who was half laying on the couch and half on the floor.

"He did a few minutes ago." I chuckled and continued drinking. "I'd help him find a comfortable position but something tells me that it will be a sight to see him in pain tomorrow for dislocating his spine like that."

Seeley laughed and leaned on the table.

"True, at least we got our show for tomorrow."

I finished my drink and licked my wet lips. Seeley was watching me as I put the glass in the sink and I wiped my neck.

"Was it good?" He asked.

"The drink?" I asked, nodding to the empty glass behind me. "I only make drinks that are good, why else would I drink it?"

Seeley smiled and shook his head.

"I meant the party."

I looked around in the crashed living room where pieces of balloons could be seen also snacks somehow made it to the floor.

"It was really good," I said turning back to him. "Thank you."

Seeley pressed his lips together and rubbed his eyes.

"I spent quite a few hours on your surprise, so it's good to hear that it was worth it."

"You mean inviting Perkyn and the others?"

"I was thinking hard whether I'd like to see Perkyn here," Seeley admitted and my face softened.

It meant almost the world to me that he invited the only person that he considered a threat to his attraction toward me.

And when Perkyn had just admitted in front of everyone that he has been crushing on me was not Seeley's favorite moment of the night. I could feel him take a sharp breath in when Parkyn said that.

"Thank you for bringing him here," I said and cupped his warm cheek. I didn't feel ashamed to touch him like that at all.

I felt nothing but braveness and impatience that my sober self wasted so much time instead of just saying yes to him.

"You're welcome." He said, lingering on my touch. "But they weren't the only surprise for the night."

I rubbed the side of his jaw slowly, almost not listening to him. His face was just mesmerizing me that much.

"You mean the cake?" I asked.

"I ordered it last week, so I'd be in time but no." He shook his head.

"Then what else is there?" I asked.

Seeley took my hand in his hands and pressed a kiss on my fingers. My hand felt both small and safe in his.

"Come with me."

He didn't need to tell me twice, I'd follow him anywhere. He entitled our fingers and carefully led me out of the living room while covering my eyes with his free hand.

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