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They always said that you had a feeling in your gut when something bad was about to happen.

Even though I tried to imagine how could this whole thing possibly end, I noticed that I was slightly shaking.

Only a few seconds later did I understand that I was terrified. Completely, utterly, scared.

I knew Seeley had made some improvement in his anger issues but I just knew in my heart that this would send him over the edge.

And I wouldn't even try to stop him.

Seeley's eyes scanned all of us before turning back to his father again despite the burning in his eyes. I'd never seen him like this.

At that particular moment, Seeley Drewitt seemed crushed and his eyes were full of red.

"Hi, Seeley," Perkyn said awkwardly, sensing the tension that appeared above us like a gray cloud.

Maybe I shouldn't have told Seeley to come here. Maybe I should have told him when we were in private and he could do no harm to his father.

Not that he wouldn't have deserved it but this could end badly for Seeley.

God, what was I thinking?

I felt like I'd been torn into two pieces and my heart didn't know whose side should it stick with.

I wanted Oswald to be confronted about being a manipulative piece of shit but I cared for Seeley so much that I didn't want him to get arrested if Delilah or Perkyn would call the caps.

Yes, I could expect Seeley to explode that badly.

"Do you guys know each other?" Oswald asked, his voice low. Delilah took a step closer to me, examining Oswald and Seeley standing almost in front of each other.

Perkyn looked at Oswald and gave him a weak nod. No matter how much respect he had for Oswald, he was afraid of him. His eyes gave it away.

"Yeah, we'd met before," Perkyn said and stared at Seeley.

Delilah cleared her throat, trying to gather her thoughts.

"Are you Heddy's friend?" Delilah asked, trying to get answers to her question. The poor woman had no idea what was waiting for her.

I wanted to tell her that it was best if she'd leave but I knew that she wouldn't move an inch from her husband.

Not when Seeley was eyeing him with deadly eyes.

"They were classmates in high school," Perkyn answered when Seeley ignored Delilah.

Delilah looked at me for a brief moment before turning back to Seeley.

"Is there a problem, Seeley?" Delilah asked carefully while clinging onto Oswald's arm while he was standing there as still as a rock.

I gulped and watched Seeley's eyes drop to their hands and his eyes narrowed while clenching his jaw.

"There happens to be one small problem, Mrs. Drewitt." Seeley's voice was full of venom as he clenched his fists.

Delilah gave Seeley a confused look after realizing that he knew their last names. Little did Delilah know that if Oswald would have a man up, she'd be the stepmother to two sons, not one.

"What..." Her voice trailed off and Oswald grabbed her hand suddenly.

"Honey, just go upstairs."

"No, Oswald. Why are you acting like this?" Delilah asked, her voice small.


"Just tell me—"

Seeley sighed and when Oswald was about to slam the door into Seeley's face, Seeley put his hand up, stopping him.

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