It begins

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New york city

Where the city never sleeps. Everything moving at once, in the shadows the Mafia Don of the head of the Italian America was heading to his appointment. Not only him but other heads of mafia branches were coming as well.

The reason? Wives and or girlfriends. Something to claim. And Alessandro was looking to claim one woman. He has always kept his eye on her. Just waiting for the right day for him to make her his. And she was at the right age for the plans he has for her. He knows that she will be very pissed when she understands on what is happening. 

And that she will fight him at all cost. He will stop at nothing on getting what he wants. Dressed in his finest suit his car pulled up at the hotel for this showing. Walking in he is directed to the right area for tonight. Taking his sit at his table that is in the front of the room.

" Gentlemen, welcome, welcome. I am glad to show all of you the collection of lovely ladies from great families. That have been taught well by their families, etc. Shall we get started" the announcer spoke

Alessandro watched the doors open showing many women coming into the room. Wearing beautiful dresses and smiles on their faces.

" if they only knew what is in their future" Alessandro thought as he scoffed

Being a mafia wife is not easy, specially when their is no love in it.

Alessandro scanned the group of women looking for one that he wants. He was losing hope when he did not see her face. But then a guard was pulling someone into the room that is when Alessandro saw that it was Isabelle.

She looked so beautiful, the only thing that hurt his heart was her face being red and puffy from crying. He knew that she had to be scared and confused on what is happening.

Isabelle was placed in line as she waited for her turn. Alessandro never took his eyes off from her. When it came to her Alessandro stood up walking to her grabbing her wrist.

Alessandro left the room with Isabelle heading to the next room. Which was were all would eat before leaving the hotel all together.

Isabelle was slightly fighting Alessandro as they made their way to the table. It was irritating Alessandro, he snapped at Isabelle.

" Enough! Sit your ass down and shut up!" Alessandro whispered yelled at her. It scared her, she listened to him but she had no idea who he was. She kept her head down not eating her food that was in front of her.

Alessandro sighed " Isabelle, you need to eat. Eat something, okay?" Alessandro said softer not wanting her to be scared of him.

She ate out of fear. All she wanted was to head back to her life. She could not understand why she was here. Her brain was hurting from trying to think of a way on escaping.

She could feel many eyes on her, looking up seeing the man that took her and other woman she met shortly ago in the back. The other women had hateful looks on their faces and the man she was with looked familiar but she could not place it.

After the dinner was done all were leaving the hotel completely. Alessandro stood at his full height and grabbed Isabelle. They headed to the car going to his house. Isabelle was shaking in the car on her side of the car. Alessandro kept his eyes on her during the whole ride.

Pulling up to the house that Alessandro had beautiful built the driver opened Alessandro's side and Alessandro made his way to Isabelle's side of the car.

" Come on" Alessandro said

Isabelle shook her head no, not wanting to get out of the car. Alessandro rolled his eyes then he reached in the car pulling Isabelle out of the car, bringing her inside the house.

He took her upstairs to his room which is now theirs. He shut the door and locked it.

Isabelle had tears running down her face. Alessandro started to speak to her the best way he could. Hoping that she will understand.

" I know that you are scared and confused on why you are here. So I will explain it to you, I paid for you. Because I want you, I always wanted you. You do not have to be scared of me, that I promise you. I will give you everything you want and ask for Isabelle. Just have to respect me and show me the love I give you" Alessandro said

"How do you know my name?"

" I know everything about you Isabelle." Alessandro said

" Who are you?" Isabelle said

" Try to remember. No? Well I am Alessandro Rossi."

Isabelle frozen when she heard the full name. After so long he comes out of the blue and pays for her?

All of her fear went away which was now full of anger.

" Why the hell! I am not a piece of property! You have no right! My parents will knew what happened to me! You sick son of a bit-"

Isabelle did not finish that sentence because Alessandro gave her a tight slap and she landed on the floor. Alessandro pulled her up from her hair.

" Something you know about me Isabelle. I do not take kindly to disrespect and disobedience. I will make sure you learn your place. That is the first and the last time you speak to me like that again. Second your parents already know where you are. They were more than happy to take the money I gave them. Now get some sleep our wedding is tomorrow, I want a better attitude for tomorrow." Alessandro said to Isabelle.

He slammed the door before locking it. He would choose a guest room for the time being. Isabelle broke down and cried the whole night, not sleeping one wink last night. 

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