Honeymoon part 2

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Alessandro -

It has been 2 weeks being here during my honeymoon. And in the start of it all was hard. My belle did not make it easy for me. I had to make her know how I felt in the past and how I feel now. Specially when I looked for her again, and sadly buying her from her family.

When I made things with my belle, things got better between us.


Isabelle, please just stop! You know that I hurt you in the past and for that I am sorry. Truly. There are some things that I regret in my life, and you are on the top of the list. The constant memories that I played a part in were always on my mind.

Belle, please. I want to make things right between us, where we can have a future. Now that you are my wife, I am determined to make things right with you but you need to meet me half way so this can work.

When I spilled all of my feeling to my belle things got better. I remember the night were she let me be the husband should be. That night was perfect, going a few rounds during the night going to the highest peak of pleasure for both of us.

As of right now I am watching my belle knee deep in the waters with a smile on her face. Same for me. I am not looking forward going back home. The work will be overload and for Isabelle getting used to be a mafia bosses wife. Constantly being around the other wives and or the mistresses knowing that there will be some Bullshit with that. Putting my drink down walking to Isabelle, wrapping my arms around her small waist.

Not looking forward to tell her that we are leaving tonight.

Hours later

Isabelle -

Sitting on the plane my hand in Alessandro's hand. When he poured his heart out to me, I decided that I need to give him a chance. I believed every word he said to me and more.

Looking out of the small window of the plane not looking forward going back but I have to remind myself that Alessandro is an Don.

I can feel my eyes getting heavy feeling Alessandro talk into my ear.

" Sleep my belle"

Closing my eyes putting my head on Alessandro's shoulder. Wondering what will happen once we get back.

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