Chapter 2: The Brunch

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I woke up with a start. Was last night real, or just a dream? I rub my temples, feeling the onset of a wine headache. Consequences, Mel, there are always consequences!

I pick up my phone to check the time, it's 8:30am and I have a missed text.

8:16: Hey girl! You're still coming to brunch, right?

Shit! Brunch! This isn't just any brunch, it's her bridal shower brunch! And it's not just any HER, it's SHELBY- my very first college friend who helped me break out of my comfort zone and become and actual person with an actual personality. Not only that, but I'm also the Goddamn maid of honor!

I quickly type out a reply.

8:31: Of course! I'll see you soon miss BRIDE!

I jump out of bed and turn on the shower. I strip off my clothes and leave them in a pile on the floor as I quickly brush my teeth and heat up my curling iron. I take the quickest shower known to man, fashion some loose curls in my bed head, toss on a light layer of natural make up and practically run to my closet. Mom jeans, flowy beige top- tucked in the front, tan booties, olive green purse. Perfect. 

I nearly trip on my way out of the door but continue running straight out of the apartment. 

"Hey ladies!" I smile as I approach the table of girls situated overlooking the water at Little River Cafe. "Sorry I'm late!"

"Mel!" Shelby squeals, standing and running towards me. "You made it!"

"Of course!" I hug her back. "Your maid of honor wouldn't leave you hanging!"

She pulls me by the hand to my seat next to her and we easily fall into conversation with all of the women sitting around the table.

Brunch was fantastic, and the mimosas really did the trick for the hangover I was feeling. Hair of the dog, as they say. My mind kept wandering to Alex, though. Am I crazy for thinking this is a bad idea? More than likely he's the crazy one, right? 

As brunch ends and goodbyes are said I finally get some alone time to talk to Shelby.

"Shelbs I gotta tell you something." I say as we walk to the parking lot.

"No shut up, you're not pregnant, are you? Oh my God, not before me that would be fucked! I'm the one getting married!" She pouts.

"No, oh my God, shut up a sec." I laugh, taking her hand. "First off, I haven't even touched a man in seven months. However, Alex proposed something last night."

"Go on..." She says, totally not connecting the dots.

"He proposed we have sex. As friends. Like friends with benefits. Just to," I make air quotes. "Help each other out."

"Oh, that's it?" She smiles, grabbing me by the shoulders. "It's about time you two hooked up!"

"No, we didn't- wait what do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"My God, girl. It's literally the perfect situation. You guys love each other, you already live together, you're both forever single- no offense-"

"None taken." I interject rolling my eyes.

"Honestly, I can't believe you guys haven't taken advantage of each other yet" she says.

"Wait, so you think this is a GOOD idea?" I ask.

"DUHHHH!" She shakes me. "What, you don't?"

"What if it gets weird?" I ask. "Then we won't be friends anymore and I'll have to move out and then I'll be homeless-"

"You're rambling babe." She laughs, snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Relax girl, you're both adults, I don't see the issue."

"Well, it's just like, you know- what if-" she cuts me off.

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