Chapter 8: The Hotel

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// Mel's POV //

I didn't go to my parents. I checked into the cheapest hotel I could find a few miles out of the city. I just need time to be alone. Time to gather my thoughts.

I considered texting Shelby, but I didn't want to bother her on her honeymoon. She should be having the time of her life, not dealing with my bullshit.

I've only been in my hotel room for 20 minutes and I've already exhausted all possible options of distraction. Cable sucks, the view out my window is of a brick wall, and I didn't even bring a book. 

"What now?" I sigh to myself as I flop backwards onto my bed.

I pull out my phone and grimace when I see my lockscreen. It's a photo of Alex and I on the beach last summer. We had taken a trip to San Diego, just the two of us. My mind flips through the memory. The way I grabbed his hand when we hit turbulence on the flight and he held it back tightly, pulling me into his side as if to protect me. The mornings at the beachside bungalow we'd rented where he always had coffee and breakfast waiting for me on the porch overlooking the water. The days spent laying in the sand, laughing, napping, or reading in silence side by side. When he taught me to boogie board. Of course, the night we spent watching the stars as we lay in the sand listening to the tide come in. 

The memories spark a warmth in my chest that wasn't there before and I roll over onto my face.

"What the fuck is going on!" I yell, muffled by the bedspread.

I open my phone without looking at the photo again and swipe to google. Finding the nearest Chinese takeout, I place a massive order and drop my phone off the side of the bed.  

I decided to best way to distract myself would be to work so I pulled out my laptop and got to it. When my food arrived I took a short break to stuff down an ungodly amount, and hopped right back into it. 

When I looked up from my computer it was dark out. I smiled to myself, feeling productive and accomplished. Closing my laptop for the night, I turn to the bathroom to run myself a bath and see my phone face down on the floor where I'd dropped it earlier. I pick it up and find a voicemail from my boss. 

"Hi Melissa, it's Sharon. Listen, I noticed the work you submitted today and I've got to say I am impressed. Could you come in early tomorrow to meet with me? I'd like to discuss a solo project for you. You've earned it."

"Fuck yeah!" I dropped the phone on the bed and did a little victory dance.

I've been wanting a project of my own for so long. To venture out on my own and write what I want has been a dream of mine. I grab my phone again and shoot a quick text back to her letting her know I'll be in at 7 then immediately swipe to Alex's contact to let him know the good news. I can already hear him shouting through the phone that he's so excited and proud of me. 

The phone rings twice before I realize what I'm doing and quickly hang up. I shut off my phone and throw it in a drawer, wrapping my arms around myself. The whole point of me being holed up in a hotel room is to get away from him. What was I thinking? I've always gone to Alex first with good news, it's just a force of habit. He was always so supportive and happy for me, how could I not?

I shake the thoughts from my mind before I get in too deep and make my way towards the bathroom again. I plug the drain and turn on the water, adding just a splash of soap to get some bubbles going. Tonight I'm going to relax and celebrate my accomplishment. Alex doesn't need to know everything immediately. 

I slip off my clothes and tie my hair up on the top of my head. Slipping into the warm, soapy water I sigh as my muscles begin to relax in the heat. I lean my head back and rub the bubbles along my skin. I bathe for nearly half an hour when I  hear a knock on my door.

My head jerks up and I hold my breath. I'm hoping if I make no sound they'll go away, but the knocking continues. I groan pulling the drain plug and stepping out. I wrap myself in a towel and approach the door. 

I open the door without even thinking to check the peephole and come face to face with none other than Alex. I take a step back, shocked and hold the towel tighter around me.

"What are you- how did-" He cuts me off.

"Mel you called me but hung up so I got worried and I checked your location and saw that you were here, not at your parents so I was afraid something happened to you. I just-" He stops.

His eyes are full of concern, he's red faced and out of breath like he's been running. All I can do is stare back, taking in what he said. 

Thoughts escaping me, I grab him and pull him against me. Our lips connect and I feel his body soften under my touch. He slides his arms around my back and pulls me in tight. This man, who has done everything under the sun for me, who has always been there when I needed him, who has been continuously filling my life with joy for four years, has been hiding in the dark pits of my heart all along. How could I not have realized it? How could I have been so blind as to not see my own feelings towards him? Had I been hurt too much? Had I been too afraid? Hell, I still am afraid, but I'm more afraid of letting him go. Love has burst from my heart and filled every crevasse of my body. 

"I've been putting this off for too long." He whispers when the kiss breaks and I look at him confused. "Mel, I'm in love with you. I know you probably don't feel-"

I pull him back into me, reconnecting our lips. Happiness consuming me I laugh against him.

"Does this mean," He asks in between kisses. "Do you..." 

"I don't know how I didn't see it." I laugh, kissing him. "You've been right in front of me for so long."

He pull away again and looks deep into my eyes, sliding his hands to my elbows.

"I love you too." I tell him. "I love you too, and I can't believe it took me this long to realize it."

His eyes darken and he scans my body slowly. 

"As long as you know it now." He says in a low voice.

He drops his hands to my waist and pushes me against the door. Attacking my lips with his, moans escaping both of us. He's kissing me deeply and hard. His teeth graze my lower lip. His tongue dips to meet mine. His hands run along my curves then hook behind my thighs. He pulls me up so my legs are wrapped around him, then he turns towards the bed.

Laying me down gently, he breaks the kiss momentarily. 

"I've been waiting for this day." He whispers as he trails his finger down to the knot in my towel between my breasts. 

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