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Tap in if God's been good to you💕

"I can't believe I just held a dead body," I say with a chuckle. Melly puts his hand in the air and I give him a high five. We both burst out laughing.

"You a cool ass female, no cap. Wick got him something for real," Melly responds, placing his hands on the counter. He begins to count the money he found.

"Honestly, I don't wanna be here. I want to be at home with my mom," I explain, grabbing an apple watch. I start messing with the password until it locks on me.

"He holding you hostage?"

"He gave me a chance to go home. I couldn't go," I tell him, trying with another watch.

"Why," he asks, easily unlocking the one I was trying to get unlocked. Damn.

"He killed somebody right in front of my house. I saw the blood on the concrete and couldn't handle it," I say, suddenly feeling nauseous. I run to the trash can and let it all out.

"Seems like you still can't," he says.

I think back to that day. I lost my virginity. And got beat for taking a plan b. I know I'm not pregnant because of that, so it has to be the dead bodies. I wash my hands, drying them on the back of Melly's shirt. He snatched my hands and look at me evilly. He looks kinda... retarded.

"You like Nardo," he asks as he releases it. He goes back to doing what he was doing, like he didn't just give me the pennywise eyes. John Gayce... anyway.

"I don't know," I respond, sitting on the counter. I grab a water bottle and wash my mouth out. I've barely been eating lately, so I know it couldn't be something I ate.

"so you don't want to run away," he asks me. I look at him in his eyes.

"I want to get away from the killing and guns and just all this mess. But if I run away, he'll kill my mom. Plus, Durk and Vroy will be on my ass. I actually care about them," I explain. I remember india. She said she would help me out. But then the whole Tay drama happened. I wonder if he's okay. I wonder if he's even alive. What if DeSean lied? What if he didn't kill him? What if he set me up the whole time? That would be fucked up.

"You care about them more than you care about your safety? More than your mental health? More than your peace," he asks me and I look at him like a weirdo. Since when does Smokey think like Steve Urkle.

"I do," I openly admit. That's how I've always been. I care about others more than myself. I love others more than myself. Mama always said that was my biggest problem. Never found a solution to it though.

"You shouldn't," he responds. "I used to care. A long, long long ass time ago."

He chuckles, continuing to count money.

"But then I realized, it didn't matter how much I cared about niggas, they ain't never cared about me. Bent over backwards-"

"Pause," I say, and he just laughs. I join in.

"Can you hush, I'm trying to give you a lecture, Moesha."

"Okay Frank," I say, letting out a loud laugh. He just gets me.

"I kissed ass-"

"Pause again," I butt in.

"I tried my hardest to please everyone-"


"Alex," he says in a deeper voice. His entire tone changes. I watch as his eyes go dull, and are darker. "I went the extra mile to please motherfuckas. They saw me struggling and ain't do shit. Ain't say shit. Ain't even ask if I needed to talk. They made me thug it out alone. So,"

He takes a pause and pulls out his gun. I quickly back away. He's giving me his Joker face again. Pennywise face, I should say. And I tremble.

"I made sure they couldn't see shit. I made sure they couldn't do shit. I made sure they couldn't say shit or ask nothing. All with a bullet," he smirks.

"Nothing like watching a nigga body drop after he watched you fall down. My favorite sound is when they scream and beg for mercy. It's like a song I can't stop playing."

He lifts up his gun and aims it at the wall.

"And this, this the intro." He sets off three shots and I jump like a scared cat. "And when I catch that nigga Kentrell, it's up fa him. Anybody that got his blood coursing through their veins getting popped."

He does the evilest laugh I've ever heard. It's short and scary.

I have his blood coursing through my veins.

"Anyway," he says, shaking his head. And just like that his eyes look lighter and he looks less... mean. He gives me a genuine smile. "My bad. Melvin just really likes you."

"Who is Melvin?"

"One of the niggas inside me."

I was talking to one of his personalities? I'm guessing it's the evil one.

"Who am I talking to now?"

"Melly," he responds.

"How many are there," I ask, getting closer to him. How the hell does his eyes go from brown to black so fast. How can he go from Simba to Scar in 2.3 seconds. That's just not possible.

"6," he explains. "But let's just be glad you met Melvin on a good day."

"What would happen on a bad day?"

"I hope you never have to find out," he responds. I feel a cramp in my stomach, at the same time as I get a text message. I hold my stomach as I open my phone.

It's an unknown number.

it's yo brudda. Imma need u to come see me

"Who that is? Why you look scared?"

"Nobody," I respond placing my phone in my pocket. Jesus, take the wheel before I crash into Area 51 and get shot by secret services.


New book called Ghost Dreams coming soon

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New book called Ghost Dreams coming soon...

Zelle (Zel) is a 16 year old girl who writes for a living. Polo is a famous drug dealer. Polo gets shot and killed and begins visiting her in her dreams and they both try to figure out why his spirit refuses to move on.

All while falling in love with each other...

Anyways y'all... I got my heart broken again. Bye💀

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