The visits

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I wake up to the alarm with Leah next to me naked with her arm across my body, if I wasn't worried about it being leaked I would take a picture, she looks so peaceful. I get up slowly I don't want to wake her yet, she never sleeps in so I wanted to let her relax.

We don't have training until this afternoon but Leah and I have an interview together for Lionesses live, luckily its one I actually enjoy doing as it's more fun than serious. They like to put roommates together to try to get a few behind the scenes secrets out of us. I get up and do my hair having it down today with a England baseball cap on. When I am dressed in shorts and a tshirt both with the team logo on I gently wake Leah up
"Morning kid, you're dressed did I sleep in?" She jumps up to try to find her phone to check the time
"No no you're okay it's still early I just told Tooney and G I would meet them for breakfast" she sits back on the bed
"Ohh okay do you want to meet up before the  interview or shall I meet you there?"
" I'll meet you there if you want, I think Kiera is missing some one on one time with her best mate"
"Yeah I know she texted me yesterday telling me she wants to hang out"
"I'll see you later" I give her a kiss goodbye and as I'm walking away she grabs my hand and pulls me back in for another one
"You can't keep me in here all day, people will come looking for us"
"Let them look I have locked the door we have water and could survive a day or two without food" she's so silly she make me smile like a sap as she plans our barricade
"What about training"
"Damn you, you know football is my weakness"  I kiss her quick again
"Goodbye Leah" I quickly take a few steps back just missing her arm reaching for me again.

Downstairs Tooney, Less and G are all sitting around a table chatting.
"There you are thought you were skipping breakfast again"
"Don't be silly some of us need more beauty sleep than others Less, can't all look as good as you"  I'm hoping my jokey response will stop the questions and I don't have to explain that I was held hostage with kisses from the captain.
"Ha says you, I've seen the comments on your interviews the nation is in love with you"  I had noticed my Instagram followers were going up as were my message requests.
"Stop or you'll make blush"  I sit down next to Ella
"What we're you guys talking about it looked pretty intense"
"We've just heard that Jordan nobbs is here as one of the commentators, she's relacing one that had to go home for a family emergency" Georgia was the one to break the news, little did she know how much it would knock me sideways, Leahs ex is here the only person she has been in love with. My face drops and I get a few weird looks from the girls
"You okay mate you look like you're going to be sick"  Georgia is examining me now I need to pull it together until I can get away and think it through.
"Yeah im all good why are you all so serious about it?" I deflect back to them.
"We're worried about Leah she's been happier than any of us have seen her since camp started that we thought she was dating again, Jordan really fucked her up"
"Does she know she's here?"
"I doubt it otherwise she wouldn't look as happy as she does" G gestures to the otherside of the canteen where Leah and Kiera have both walked in laughing, she looks over at out table and nods to me with a smile that makes my heart beat quicken.  I try to return the smile but it doesn't reach my eyes and hers falters. She gives me a questioning look but I turn away and back to the table out of the corner of my eye I see Kiera whisper to Leah and they leave to go outside.
"Why did they break up?" I blurt out over their conversation
"Well Leah never confirmed anything but when Jordan got injured she told Leah that she needed to focus on her recovery and didn't want to hold her back from the Euros"
"Shes better now though why wasn't she picked for the team?" I had a feeling I knew the answer but I needed them to say it
"I heard one of the coaches say Sarina had a hard time choosing the last spot but went with you instead of Jordan, she clearly made the right choice you may give Beth a run for golden Boot"
So im the reason that Leahs ex isn't in the team, maybe they would have gotten back together if she was chosen.

The captain and me Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant