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Going to sleep tonight is strange, it hasn't been that long but I am getting used to the feel of Leahs body behind me and the kisses on the back of my shoulder when she stirs. I don't regret my decision to change rooms as we needed space. Right now though I can't sleep ahead of tomorrow's game against the Netherlands, my ex Danielle van de donk is on the team. I say ex we were more like friends with benefits she was getting over her breakup with Beth and I didn't want anything serious which was perfect. The reason I can't sleep is she messaged me earlier today to see if I wanted to meet up after the game win or lose one of us will be celebrating and the other will need to blow off some steam. I haven't replied to her, everytime I go to say yes because im still mad with Leah I see her smile and feel her lips against mine and I delete the message. I should probably have a chat with her and Beth before the game so they don't find out from someone else.

Eventually the alarm goes off and G wakes up "Good morning are you ready to win today?"
"Haha I love your confidence im ready as I'll ever be"
"That's the spirit, I'm going to shower unless you want to first?"
"No no you go ahead ill go when youre done"
Once we are both showered we head down to meet up with the rest of the team, we are having breakfast on the plane as its a bit of a journey to the stadium.
Waiting for us at the airport was a private plane, although I'd flown private for games before this was one of the smallest planes I've ever been on and my anxiety was already say high( excuse the pun) and I can feel my chest tightening. I turn away from the girls and walk a little way back from the plane. I hear footsteps behind me before feeling a hand snake its way through mine to turn me around
"Hey kid it's going to be okay sit with me and squeeze my hand as tight as you want" just the feeling of her hand on mine lowers my heart rate
"I'm okay Leah I was going to sit next to Jill she's got loads of stories to keep me distracted"
"Oooo bad idea she might be just as bad a flyer than you are, you'll make eachother worse. Team rules state 1 good flyer with 1 bad one like a buddy system"
"So im stuck with you?
"Afraid so, if it gets too bad we can sneak to the bathroom and I can distract you another way" she looks me up and down and raises one eye brow
" Easy tiger you're the one that wanted discreet I think people would notice that"
"Hey are you two going to stop holding hands and whispering sweet nothings or are you getting on the plane" Mary shouts across the tarmac Leah drops my hand and goes wide eyed
" chill she's taking the piss" I whisper to Leah
"Sorry Mearps she was just checking my pulse little bit of a nervous flyer, would you rather hold my hand instead?" I tease as I walk up the stairs holding my hand out to her
"We would look too good together it would be unfair for the rest of the world" I laugh at her knowing full well she has no interest in women.

Once we are sat in our seats and the preflight checks were done Leah grabs my hand
"Leah people can see you"
"I don't care, you need me so I'm here"
I didnt have time to appreciate her because the engines kicked up and we were flying down the runway and I was squeezing Leahs hand as tight as I could. It was cloudy when we took off which caused the plane to shake as it went up. I felt Leahs other hand tracing circles on my leg
"It's okay it's just the clouds we'll be out of it soon" and just as she said that we levelled out and the shaking stopped I released her hand and sat back in my chair looking up at the lights
"I'm sorry I know its stupid I just can't get over it"
"Stupid? You're doing something you are actively scared of all so you can play a game you love, I say brave not stupid" looking into her eyes I wish I could kiss her but the seatbelt light beep means the that people will be up and walking around. I can see she had the same thought as she leans back and let's out a big sigh
"So the game today planning on doing any acrobatic goals?"
"Maybe, the last one got me a kiss so who knows" I see her flinch at that but it wasn't meant in a mean way
"Too soon?"
"Yeah just a tad" hopefully one day we can laugh about this
"Erm so Leah about the game there's something I should tell you"
"You seem nervous are you okay?" She sits up and turns to look at me full on
"Yeah it's nothing bad, well I don't think it's bad but you might and I have to talk to Beth too but I thought you first"
"Y/n you're rambling just tell me"
"Well you know .." just as I was about to tell her the plane drops and the seatbelt light goes back on. Looking around I can see the flight attendants buckling themselves in. Shit. When they sit down you know its bad. Leah has already grabbed my hand and is rubbing circles on the back with her thumb.
"Sorry about this we have hit a patch of turbulence please remain seated it may get a little bumpy" we hear the pilot make the announcement over the speakers
"It's okay nothing to worry about" I can barely hear Leah as my mind is shutting off to reasonable thought and I can feel a panic attack coming. The plane drops again and I can feel myself being held in by the seat belt, it feels like minutes but could only be 10 seconds. We stop dropping but the shaking continues, how can the plane stay together with all the shaking? Suddenly the overhead compartment above us pops open and a kit bag falls out and hits me on the head making the world go dark.

I wake up with a terrible headache in bed. I can hear a beeping sound and have have to squint against the bright light. I look to the side to see Leah and Tooney sat in chairs both fast asleep and outside the room I can see Kiera resting her head on Lucy's shoulder sitting on chairs in the corridor. I make eye contact with Lucy and she smiles at me and nudges Kiera awake they get up and get one of the nurses and enter the room.
" Hey sleeping beauty how you feeling? Leah and Ella start to wake up at the sound of Lucy's voice
"My head hurts what happened?"
"Y/n do you know where you are?" Leah is now up and is watching me very intently her blue eyes shining under the fluorescent lights I can see shadows under her eyes indicating that she hasn't slept but even then she looks so pretty. Without breaking eye contact I reply to the nurse
"Heaven?" This eases the tension in the room and they let out a chuckle
"Not quite, you're in hospital do you remember what happened?" Slowly it all came back to me and I turned to the nurse
"The plane hit some turbulence I was hit on the head" I reach up and touch where I was hit. Bad idea a shooting pain went through me and made my stomach turn
"Easy kid it was quite the knock you had us worried"
"I'm sorry, thank you all for being here"
"Anything to get out of running in this heat" Tooney winked at me and then came to give me a hug
"I'm glad you're okay" as she pulls away I can't help but let out a big yawn
"Right on that cue I think we should leave y/n to get some rest"
"One of us should stay don't you think" Kiera was asking the nurse
"Yes okay but only one"
"I'll stay" Leah almost shouted above everyone else which made everyone look at her, she cleared her throat
"Sorry I mean I should stay ill keep everyone updated"
"Good idea" Kiera couldn't hide the smile as she tried to hold back the laughter at Leah

They all leave and I close my eyes to the feeling on Leah holding my hand. Just as I'm drifting off my eyes jolt open panicking Leah
"The game" she looks relieved that it wasn't something serious
"The girls played it but some of didn't want to leave the hospital, we lost but still qualified for the knock outs"
"Was it my fault we lost?"
"Shh don't think like that, get some sleep we need you fit for next game"
I close my eyes and almost immediately fell back to sleep

Sorry I know I said I would do a double on Friday but I just didn't feel like writing and everything was coming out shit, I almost gave up and deleted the whole story. I'm back feeling mentally better, not my best im sorry but I wanted to update!

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