16 | Fix You (Ross)

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"I'm actually on the fence if I want her to be here soon or not," Z says.

"Oh?" My mind is still preoccupied with what Lu might tell me of Bea.

He leans in. "You know, Ross, Lu can be a bit scary sometimes, despite her bubbly personality. I don't know if you noticed, but boy, she's got this fierce determination that could send shivers down your spine." He chuckles nervously, glancing over his shoulder, as if expecting Lu to jump out from behind the curtain any moment. "And let me tell you, since she is probably furious cuz I got myself into trouble like this. She's gonna kill me. Literally."

I can't help but laugh, knowing exactly what he means. Lu may be all smiles and laughter most of the time, but beneath that cheerful exterior definitely lies a force to be reckoned with. Her protective nature knows no bounds, and anyone who messes with her loved ones is in for a world of trouble. Over the years, I've seen our best friend unleash her wrath before. It's really not something you want to be on the receiving end of.

"But hey," Z-man continues, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "I wouldn't trade her for anything. Lu thinks I'm funny. And smart. She makes me feel important. I feel lighter around her. She's got my back, no matter what. Besides, it keeps the life interesting, doesn't it?"

I nod, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Z-man's right. Lu's fiery spirit may be intimidating at times, but it's also what makes her so incredible. She's a force of nature, and I wouldn't want my best friend to be any other way. 

As if we'd summoned her by just talking about her, Lu chooses precisely that moment to burst into the hospital room

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As if we'd summoned her by just talking about her, Lu chooses precisely that moment to burst into the hospital room. She is wearing a Recovery Mode: ON t-shirt which makes me wonder whether she actually does have a t-shirt for any occasion. Disheveled and puffy-eyed, she rushes straight to Z-man's side, without even acknowledging my presence.

Her voice is filled with worry. "Oh, you silly goofball! Are you alright? Does your head still hurt?" She gently inspects the sore on his neck, her touch filled with concern.

Z-man smiles weakly, his eyes lighting up at the sight of her. "Lu, you worry too much. I'm fine, really."

Lu reaches into her bag, and pulls out a bag of Cheetos, Z's favorite snack. "Thought you might need these to lift your spirits. They'll fix you right up."

Z-man eyes them eagerly and reaches for the bag. "You're the best, Lu."

But before he can tears into the packaging, Lu shakes her head at him. "You scared me, you big lug, you know that? Sacrificing yourself like that for Bea. It was noble, but you didn't have to go and get yourself hurt."

He chuckles softly. "Well, you know me, always trying to be the hero."

And he does. I remember all too well the way he distracted the library security so that Lu and I could sneak in, and look for that book on shape-changing.

Lu rolls her eyes, but her smile betrays her true feelings. "You're such a dork, Z-man. But that's why I love you."

Z-Man blushes, his mouth opening and closing as he searches for response. The room fills with a moment of silence, the tension palpable after the l-word bomb drop. 

I stand there, feeling a bit awkward, thinking I should probably leave Lu and Z alone. I clear my throat, ready to make my exit. "Uh, well, I guess I'll just, uh, leave you two alone then," I stammer, trying to hide my discomfort.

Lu's gaze shifts to me, her smile widening. "Oh Ross, don't be silly. You're part of the gang too. Stay and join the dork part-yyy!"

I chuckle nervously, grateful for her save. "Thanks Lu. I appreciate that."

All three of us share a laugh and any trace of awkwardness dissipates, replaced by a sense of camaraderie. I realize that sometimes it's okay to be a bystander, to witness the love and friendship between others. To simply enjoy the moment together.

"Oh, and before I forget: yeah, we're still getting facials. You're not getting out of that one, Z."

I blink, and then proceed to stare at them, certain I didn't hear them well. "Sorry, did you say facials?

"Uh-huh. That, and I think this lady..." Z points at Lu, "also wants us to visit a pedicurist. She says I have gnarly toenails."

"More like claws."

"So, you're going to get them painted?" I scratch my head, trying to imagine which color he'd choose. Which, I realize post-haste, is not relevant to our conversation as such.

"Yup, for Snowball Dance. Yellow is my favorite color," says Lu, "so do with that information what you will." She grins at Z, and then slaps her forehead. "OMG I'm such an idiot! Bea's waiting for you here."

"Here... Where?" I scratch my head in confusion, when my cell phone pings with Lu's WhatsApp message.

It's a location pin.

"Saratoga Lake? But..."

"Hey, don't kill the messenger." Lu blushes.

"Okay. Okay. I'll... I'll Google the bus schedule and go straight away."

Z-man's voice stops me in my tracks, my fingers already coiling around the door handle.

"Hey. About what happened... Tell Bea it's not her fault. That it was my choice, and my choice alone, dude. You tell her that." 

A/N: Theme song: Coldplay "Fix You"

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A/N: Theme song: Coldplay "Fix You"

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