Goodbye, Hotel Hell

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I followed Gordon down the staircase and into the dining room where my now ex-coworkers and my mother stood looking confused as why we took so long.

"Sorry about that guys." Gordon said with a chuckle. "Evelyn wanted time to see her Suite a bit more."

I nodded slowly with a smile on my face. I was still confused at what is happening, and even more confused at how just now five seconds ago Gordon confessed his feelings to me, and how he just straight up kissed me. It was weird, but felt okay somehow.

"Speaking of Evelyn." Gordon said, turning to me. "She has an announcement to make."

I sighed and walked over to my crew, the ones I grew up with, the ones that I would laugh with and sit down and eat with. "You guys, I absolutely love you all and I simp for each and one of you all so much I would do anything for you guys." I started, feeling a bit nervous. "But Gordon gave me two choices on my future, stay here and help run the Brookstone or leave with him to LA to train to be a chef and be his apprentice. I chose to go to LA."

Aaron looked at me a bit hurt, but with understanding.

"As much as I love it here, I want to continue to excel my craft as a chef and why not train with Gordon Ramsay?" I said with a chuckle.

"Oh Evelyn I'm so proud of you!" Tiffany ran up to me and hugged me, I huffed out and hugged her back.

Jackson and Aaron followed by giving me big hugs and wishing me well on my adventure.

It was then I looked upon my mother, who was looking at me somber and sad. I sighed and walked up to her.

"I know I wasn't a perfect mother." My mother said as she crossed her arms. "And I know most if not all of the time I didn't care at all. But from now on, I'm here if you need me okay darling?"

I pressed my lips and nodded. "Yes, mom."

We both stood there and then we both hugged each other tightly. As I pulled away from her I gave her an assuring smile and then turned away from her.

"Right, I will take you to your house Evelyn so you can start packing." Gordon said with a smile.

I nodded and followed him out of the front doors of the hotel. I turned back at the three story building I called Work for about fifteen years. I cannot believe I am leaving, but it is for my life's sake.

"Goodbye, Hotel Wack." I said with a nod before walking over to Gordon's black SUV, and I watched as he put his silver suitcase in the trunk.

I hopped in the passenger's seat and he went in the driver's. As soon as Gordon started the car to drive off, I decided it was time for me to talk.

"Okay so now that the cameras are gone and since we are still in Oregon before I throw fifteen years of my life away mind explaining to me what happened earlier?" I asked, giving him a frown.

"What do you mean, love?" Gordon asked cooly.

"Bruh, you fucking kissing me and then going psycho chef on me on me being with you, the hell was that?" I snapped.

"I suppose I wasn't as clear back there." Gordon said.

"Oh hell nah you weren't." I said.

"Before I arrive at the Hotel I watch everyone's pre show interviews. I look in their biography to get to know them better to mentally prepare myself for whats to come." Gordon explained. "I watched your interview and I was so perplexed and how drawn to you I was. You are a whole personality I didn't meet yet and I just fell for the way you spoke the way you held yourself and not to mention you are fucking hot as well."

I widened my eyes and blinked. "Okay then Mr. Weirdo."

"But when I saw you in real life I just couldn't help myself, and the minute we were alone I had to do something to show you my feelings, no matter how it came off as." Gordon turned to me and smiled. "And I love how you fight back."

"Well how about this, Chef Stalker Ramsay?" I snapped. "The reason why I am doing this is to get better at cooking, and not to be a prey to some celebrity chef who thinks he can just kiss me and such. I am not going to be your little fan girl who makes a puddle everytime you look at me I am not. I am going to be strictly your student and nothing else. If this shit ever gets weird again I will turn my ass back to Oregon and take that first option okay?"

Gordon smirked. "Alright."

What the hell was I doing? What the hell was he thinking? Yes he is attractive but I cannot let him take advantage of me like that. I have to stick to my morals. Or else shit will be bad.

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