Good Morning LA, It's Gonna Be a Wacky Day

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The rest of the trip was silent, with Gordon dropping me off at my house and watching me from his SUV window as I packed my clothes for the week I will be in LA along with my laptop and journal. I also sent a quick text to Tiffany for instructions on how to take care of Josie for the week and me and Gordon made our way to the airport.

Thankfully we didn't have to wait as long and we made our way into the first class section of the plane and I set up my laptop to begin my side hustle I have been doing for a couple of years to accompany the shitty paycheck I have been receiving: coding.

I mean how couldn't I reject the offer of being paid $2K a month for coding a video game for a guy in North Dakota?

As I began my work, I noticed Gordon staring at me again, and I looked to him, darkness in my eyes.

"Can't you do anything else?" I asked.

Gordon smirked as he looked at me like I was a piece of Da Vinci. "Well I have a couple of ideas."

"You need to fuck off." I snapped continuing my work. "I told you this trip is going to be professional only."

Gordon chuckled as he looked out of the window. "We'll see...." I barely heard him.

The rest of the trip was nothing but tense and the only rip in the atmosphere was the attendant asking us for snacks or coffee. I took the coffee because my addiction needs to be fed.

The plane landed in LA, and I followed Gordon to a limo (which I wasn't surprised because he is one of them celebrity chefs) as it took us to the hotel I am going to be staying at.

As we pulled up to the hotel I grabbed my suitcases and walked out of the limo. I turned to Gordon who was looking at me as always.

"Your first day is tomorrow." He said. "Meet me at my restaurant of Hell's Kitchen at 10 AM. Don't worry there is no show filming there our season ended a year ago and is on hiatus."

"Why is it on hiatus?" I asked.

"For me to film Hotel Hell." Gordon nodded.

"Oh true true." I said. "You really like the word Hell huh?"

"It fits my brand." Gordon chuckled. "Okay I shall see you."

The window of the limo pulled up and drove off.

I sighed softly as I looked around at my surroundings. It was a bright and sunny day but humid. Man I should've packed sunscreen. I glanced over at the sight of palm trees and the  busy streets. This was definitely not like Oregon.

I turned toward the hotel I was staying at, and it was a Marriott Griffin Gate. Not bad, I heard many great things about them. I pulled my suitcase up and into the front door and went into checkin.

Gordon already booked me a room, which I wasn't surprised.

"Hello, Evelyn Masters for checkin." I told the receptionist.

The woman nodded and handed me my room key, telling me it was on the sixth floor.

I made my way to the elevator and as soon as I pressed the "6" button I heard a voice.


I looked up and saw a woman running towards the elevator, holding on to her suitcase and in a hurry. She was a redhead with green eyes and had a slim figure, she looked like she was middle class along with me.

I held the door open and helped the woman inside.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much!" She said with a huff of relief. "I wouldn't have made it."

"No problem." I said, looking at the floor buttons. "Which floor?"

"Six!" The woman said.

"Oh me too." I chuckled, watching as the door closed.

"You look out of town." The woman said looking at me.

"That I am, I'm from Oregon." I said with a smirk.

"Oh I heard it's pretty over there!" The woman exclaimed. "I'm from Nevada."

"Ooh I see." I said with a chuckle.

"I'm Jennifer." The redhead held out her hand.

"Evelyn." I greeted, taking it and shaking her hand. "So what brings you here staying at this fancy hotel?"

"Well my dad owns a pub around here and wanted me to help, so he rented me a room to stay here for a month." Jennifer replied looking at me. "What about you?"

I chuckled and looked down. "Well, needless to say, Gordon Ramsay filmed an episode of Hotel Hell for my family's hotel, and he offered to train me on my chef skills and be a guest judge on Master Chef."  I said, not sure whether to be proud or not.

Jennifer's eyes widened. "Oh wow! How lucky are you! I'm sure you'll do great!" She said giggled.

I nodded. "I hope." I said.

The elevator dinged for it landing at the sixth floor and we both walked out, it seeming we are going opposite ends of the hotel.

"Well I wish you luck, Evelyn!" Jennifer said with a smile. "I'm sure I'll see you on TV!"

I laughed. "Right, I wish you luck at the pub Jennifer!"

We made our way down both ends of the hall, and I scanned my room key, walking in.

Hotel Wack! (Gordon Ramsay Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz