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"ALRIGHT ROOSTER, YOU GOTTA GET US IN TOUCH WITH THE BOAT," Kristen nodded, her eyes forward and focused on the path ahead

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"ALRIGHT ROOSTER, YOU GOTTA GET US IN TOUCH WITH THE BOAT," Kristen nodded, her eyes forward and focused on the path ahead.

"Working on it," He answered, surveying the prehistoric status of the plane, "Everything's dead. What do I gotta do? Talk me through it."

"Fuck," She muttered, trying to remember whatever her dad had told her so many years ago. Kristen shook her head, "I really don't know, uhhhh.... the radio... the radio... Try pressing some buttons around the circuit breaker."

"Anything more specific?" Bradley raised his brows, and Kristen spun her head back for a second, "Was this literaly not your dad's department?"

"Alright Admiral Icecrack, chill," Bradley begun pressing whatever buttons seemed natural, his eyes still observing the sky on watch, "So uh... how well exactly do you know how to fly this?"

"We're in the air aren't we?" She remarked. Bradley rolled his eyes with a grin, "How you feeling Kit? The blood stopped?"

"I can't feel shit," She shrugged with a sigh, "There's just this tingling shooting around my body, I-I think the blood stopped."

"You gotta tell me if you're losing it okay?" Rooster insisted, "Don't even lie to me, Kit."

She giggled in the slightest, feeling her cheeks flush red with a giddiniess she mustered through her uncomfortably. Rooster's eyes had eventually caught wind of an enemy plane, "Tally 2, Frosty. Enemy flying below us. What's our move?"

Kristen side-eyed the two planes that appeared, "We just gotta play cool, if they knew who we were we'd be dead already."

"Well here they come, baby," Bradley gulped, moving up his mask, "Put your mask on and just wave... as far as they know, we're on their team."

She did as he'd said, and the two awkwardly waved and tapped their helmets as if they were responding to the signalling gestures coming from the opposing pilots as they pulled closer.

"What's that signal? What's he said?" Bradley blurted out, Kristen growling, "As if I know!"

"You're the one who got this shitbox running, you were the hope!" Bradley replied as the two maintained their silly gestures; now featuring thumbs down, "Never seen that gesture either."

"You're even failing at the pretty boy job, we're so done," Kristen teased, her eyes matching the level of the planes, "Shit. His wingman is moving into weapons envelope...."

"That's not good-"

Kristen pursed her lips, scratching at her fingers laced around the lever as she contemplated. She didn't have long, and she didn't think she could go in for an attack; not with Rooster sitting at bay.

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