seventeen vol.1

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iwannadie: hi guys

iwannadie: no, waittt

iwannadie: I forgot that I'm supposed to be an annoying prick


aku_stans_mcr: Dazai-san

aku_stans_mcr: you're finally back

aku_stans_mcr: how are you?

ilovebunnies: such a logical question to ask someone whose username is 'iwannadie'

aku_stans_mcr: I-

my_names_sushi: jakanjskahsjka

no_gender_just_swag: y'all get distracted easily

no_gender_just_swag: @ iwannadie are you and Chuuya-san married now?

iwannadie: jannskaksjhssj

iwannadie: that cake was delicious

iwannadie: @ gingergod Chuuuuuyyaaaa♥︎

gingergod: you don't need to scream to wake me up, idiot

ilovebunnies: fruity

no_gender_just_swag: oMl wHat

sherlock_but_fruitier: I told you @ no_gender_just_swag

iwannadie: chibikoo and I are datinnnnngg

raccoonboy: 2/3 completed

sherlock_but_fruitier: jakaksjjd

sherlock_but_fruitier: eddie is my favorite

my_names_sushi: we already know that

my_names_sushi: waitttttttttt

my_names_sushi: what does '2/3 completed' mean?

lesbian_with_knives: poor boy

lesbian_with_knives: you probably failed at math, right?

my_names_sushi: no

my_names_sushi: I mean yes

my_names_sushi: but what does he mean by that?

lesbian_with_knives: that's for you to find out

my_names_sushi: y'all are sooo confusing ughhhh

my_names_sushi: anyways

no_gender_just_swag: *anygays

my_names_sushi: you don't have to do that everytime

no_gender_just_swag; and you don't have to make the same mistake everytime

sherlock_but_fruitier: y'all are so boringgg

sherlock_but_fruitier: let's play something

no_gender_just_swag: truth or dare?

sherlock_but_fruitier: truth or dare it is

raccoonboy: how do you play tod through texting?

sherlock_but_fruitier: no idea

sherlock_but_fruitier: anyone?

(a/n: I have no idea how to play truth or dare through texting
I've never been in a proper gc
I'll be searching now)

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