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As Dustin guides Murray via radio I chat with Erica to distract myself "I can't believe he left me here" I huff.

"Do you really wanna be down there with that thing?" Erica scoffs. Well no but I want to help.

"It's not about that" I snap.

"Yeah, it's about the fact you wanna suck face with sailor girl"

"Excuse me?" Did a 10 year old really refer to kissing as sucking face just now?

"Listen Steve might be an airhead but he made the right decision, he just wants you to be safe" she sighs softening her tone.

"You know you're super wise for a child" I murmur.

"I know" of course she does.


"Do either of you know Planck's Constant?" Dustin whips around to face us.

"No" Erica hisses.

"What even is that? Some nerd shit?" I ask genuinely lost.

"Oh my god you're both useless"  wow rude. "Wait, I think I know someone who does"

Me and Erica eye eachother curiously, what the hell is he talking about? Maybe I should have been listening instead of complaining huh.

"Suzie poo do you copy?" He speaks back into the radio looking away from us.

Sorry Suzie what? That's the worst pet name I've ever heard.

"Dustybun!" A feminine voice calls back. Okay nevermind that's the worst one.

"I missed you" they both coo at the same time. Ew god.

"Listen I've been busy with fighting evil Russians and inter-dimensional monsters and I could really use your help with something" the boy explains.

He's just casually gonna tell her all that?

"Of course you have" she giggles.

"Do you know Planck's Constant?"

"Does the earth orbit the sun?"

Oh my god. I get why my brother hates geeks now.

"Can you just get the damn number?" Erica whisper-yells.

"I haven't heard from you in a week though and now you want a number you should already know?" Suzie scorns.

"I'll make it up to you I promise"

"You could make it up to me now" I can practically hear the smirk over the millions of miles apart.

"Not right now" Dustin's eyes widen in recognition.

"Yes now" she hisses.

"Suzie poo I'm-"

"Fine this is Suzie signing off"

"Wait!" He begs "I'll do it"

Do what?

"Turn around 🎵" oh, oh no "look at what you see 🎵"

He's singing. This is ridiculous. With my jaw practically touching the ground I look at Erica who seems equally as stunned.

Suzie begins to join the song making it a duet. This is so middle school I could puke- for the second time tonight.

"🎵 Dream a dream and what you see will be eee 🎵"

I think I'm losing my mind. How is this real?

Finally the fever dream comes to an end and his girlfriend gives him a series of numbers I can't even begin to register after what just happened. That was wilder then fighting demodogs last year.

Hopper gives confirmation over the walkie that it worked and I let out a breath laying down on the cool earth beneath me. It'll all be okay when he closes the gate.

Minutes go by which turn into a full hour or more, it's hard to tell okay? I don't have a watch.

Then far off we hear a flurry of sirens and even some helicopters flying overhead. It must be over. Would have been nice if someone told us, you know with the radios we've been using this whole time?

"We have to walk all the way to the mall don't we?" Erica sighs.

"I'm going to murder Steve" I grunt getting to my feet.


After a long trudge back, and I mean long, we come to see a cluster of ambulances and military soilders. "Steve?" I call out trying to spot my brother.

Dustin rushes off to Mike and his other friends while Erica follows to look for Lucas.

"Y/n?" Steve calls out nervously, I run over to him hugging him tight.

"You idiot! If you ever leave me to babysit for you again I'll kill you" I scorn but only out of love.

"Well before you rip into me about that I think someone might be waiting to see you" he pulls away and steps back to reveal Robin waiting cautiously.

Okay. Why do I feel so clumsy suddenly, I can do this.

"Hey Robin" I smile walking up to her.

She offers a weak smile in return and wraps her arms around my waist pulling me flush against her. I put my owm arms over her shoulders inhaling her scent, she even smells hot oh my god. Her hair tickles my nose as I note how it smells of cake.

"I'm glad you're okay" she mumbles.

"Me? You're the one who fought a giant corpse monster thingy!" I laugh as I rear back to get a look at her face.

I take in each feature like it's a line from a holy scripture. I temporarily forget my brother is right behind me and when the thought hits me I cough awkwardly.

"I'll give you some privacy" he chuckles trailing off to who knows where.

"So, this may be a bad time but would you want to go on a date after this shit show cools down?" Robin asks with a sly lopsided grin.

"Yes I would"

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