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The pink door that stood before him was daunting, it was a little worn out from use over the years, and the little drawings that were scattering the bottom half of it were fading along with the memories of his childhood that were slowly fading with time. That one door sparked so many forgotten memories, but he still couldn't bring himself to knock upon it knowing that an old friend was resting behind it.

It had been far too long since he was last in this house, and even longer when he had met the only daughter of the Clearwaters. He felt a little ashamed that he was even back after all this time, but he couldn't even fathom leaving again without saying anything out of fear of what her reaction would be.

"Leah?" He knocked, gently at first considering the girl wasn't feeling the best, but even he knew that was far too soft for anybody to hear even with the ongoing silence that seems to flow throughout the house.

"Leah, are you awake?" He knocked again, just a tad bit louder this time, before finally just deciding to push the door open. It squeaked, and the feeling of cringing grew more as the creaking increased. He'll blush, but the girl that laid upon the bed made him feel quite concerned considering she didn't even bother to roll over and see who opened the door. Maybe she was feeling a lot worse than he thought? Was she going through a Shifting Phase, sick, or did she really just want to be left alone?

"Oh, Leah." Sue gave him the rundown of everything that had happened, felt horrible that she was feeling this way, but Sam wasn't meant to be with her. Of course he wasn't mad that Sam went ahead to date his imprint, but he was upset that Leah ended up throwing almost everything away for him only for some shit like this to be pulled, "I'm sorry." There was also no reason he should be apologizing for him, but this was someone he saw as a little sister, and he wasn't here to even beat the guy up like he promised he would.

She didn't say anything, hell she didn't even move, but Antonio still moved closer to sit down on the very bed she laid in. He felt more like a father than a brother, but that was probably because he would never be able to handle seeing his own daughter like this. "I know I'm late and everything, but how have you been doing lately? Passing school? Got a job? Met anybody new?" He just talked enough for the both of them, unbothered by the unresponsiveness of the girl before him. He came to talk to her so he would. There were very few moments in his life when he could just talk, or even be the one doing the talking instead of the listening for once and he'll take it again this time around. Talking to her about what he has been doing all this time away, his plans now that he's back, and even the sweet baby girl that she could call her 'niece' if she wanted. Felt good to talk for once.


"Wait? I have to go also!" Eyebrows drawn up, and mouth open, Bella held on tight onto Edward's top. A little stumped that she even had to leave along with her 'sister-in-laws.' That wasn't part of the deal! She could only visit the Cullen's if they came, but that didn't include coming back with them.

"Of course Isabella, we'll still like to get to know you." Jennifer grinned, face not matching her words as it soon turned into a grimace, "don't you want to get to know us also?" She had no choice really, whether she wanted to get to know them or not. Charlie admitted that she was getting along with the two beauties, and the annoying part was that she wasn't even interested in getting to know her brother.


"Of course Jennifer!" Charlie silenced her, carefully moving the baby back into the arms of Isla who happily focused all her attention on the babbling ball of joy, "Bella would love to get to know you two, isn't that right Bells." This was suppose to be quick, they needed to get dinner at the Blacks and Bella's tantrum was holding them up.

"Char-Dad!" She clung tighter, and from his thoughts, Edward clung back onto her. Going onto land where he wasn't allowed to keep an eye on her made him feel some type of way.

"Mr. Swan, Bella's more than welcome to stay." Esme tried defusing, she wasn't used to stepping up and being the mediator between people. That was Carlisle who had a way with words, she was just the person that gave advice.

"Wouldn't want to bother any of you. We're suppose to be having dinner with a friend, and she made a promise that everyone would be there." Which he didn't exactly want to force the girl to come with, but it's been a while since they spent any family time so why not do it now when everyone is together.

"I already ate."

"That doesn't mean you can't chat with your brother, and have some dessert." It was genuinely surprising how much she was fighting him on this. I mean she never really wanted to spend any time with him since she got with Edward, but wouldn't she want to get to know her brother?

"No seriously, it's no bother." Edward tried smiling. His eyes wavering with the hard stares of the two sisters that gave him such cocky smiles, like they knew it would kill him to have Bella surrounded by those dogs.

"But, I wanted to talk to you more, Isabella." Jennifer whined, those eyes getting wet, and Charlie awkwardly trying to sooth her 'pain.'

"Bella, please." He knew nothing of calming down crying women, his knowledge of giving help only going so far before he was stumped.


"Oh, Goody." Jennifer snatched her out Edwards arms, and proceeded to drag her out the house.

"Jennifer!" Considering that everyone was just shocked that she even managed to nab the girl before she could speak, Isla was more concerned about what Charlie would think of her literally dragging the girl by the back of her shirt.

"Oh, I was just so excited." To leave this damn house, "I'll give you one of my shirts to make up for your ripped one." If she could fit it...hard IF.

"Well, then." Charlie didn't have anything to say at the moment, just watching Jennifer shove Bella into the back of the Cruiser before shoving her long legs into the front seat. For someone so tall and thin, she was very strong.

"Thank you for having us." Isla herself just nudged Charlie out the front door, holding tight onto her child and ignoring the stares into the bundle. Of course vampires would be interested in getting a look at something that they haven't had the luxury of seeing for a long time.

"Well at least they're gone." Emmett shrugged, the fact Bella was snatched from Edward's grip flying over his and a few others head, expect the man himself who stared suspiciously at the leaving car.


So Edward's suspicious, and Charlie has obvious favoritism.
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