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It had been a while since the Clearwater family actually sat down and had a nice meal together without it ending in argument. Sue believed that Leah was just being difficult, there was no need for her to start fights with her cousin, and ex, there was no reason for her to be all crestfallen for a relationship that just wasn't meant to be in the beginning, there was no reason. She couldn't understand why the girl was so upset, she had always said that the right man would come around for her, yet she still decided to get with Sam, still decided that she would waste her time with someone that didn't belong to her.

When Antonio had arrived back to Forks she was excited, glad that the boy she had considered a son was back and apparently would stay. He would've been a nice option if he wasn't so, Swan like. Maybe if he was Billy's black son, or one of the other Elders that loved to show off their sons to everyone, maybe then he would've been perfect, but he was just good in the terms of a son in law. The only good thing coming out of this was the fact that Leah wouldn't have to worry about him leaving her for fate, humans didn't have imprints, and unless she shifted, she wouldn't have one either.

"You're thinking too hard Sue." Harry himself was just embarrassed, the dinner had failed horribly, Leah and Emily both had stormed off in tears afterward. He didn't think there would ever be a time that they would make up, and he believed that it might be better that way, "the girl is still pretty hurt about it." He also had that lingering feeling of disappointment that things had turned out this way also, he loved them both dearly, but he did tell Leah that Sam wasn't any good for her.

"Too hard? Harry, these girls need to make up! Family is everything, and fighting over some boy shouldn't break us apart. I had raised Leah better than this to get upset over something that was entirely her fault, I told her-we told her that Sam wasn't meant for her, yet she still decided that she was going to give her life for the boy." It was frustrating, they had accepted the relationship before Sam had shifted, but when he failed to imprint on her, they soon decided that it was only right for Leah to leave the boy alone since it simply wasn't meant to be. Emily deserves to be happy with her imprint, and it was unfortunate that Leah couldn't understand that.

The biggest problem of this entire thing was that Shifters were unknown to everyone else unless they shifted themselves. They couldn't tell Leah that Sam had imprinted on Emily, they couldn't tell her that he was meant for her, and her for him. Stuff like that was suppose to be kept secret, to prevent the Vampires from knowing exactly how their kind kept coming back.

"She needs to get over it, she's a little too old to be throwing tantrums." The tossed plate of food on the floor was a messy reminder of the moment Leah had pelted the other girl in the face. Mashed potatoes, green beans, and half eaten baked chicken went all to waste on Emily's face, and lap. Sue then had sent a laughing Seth up to his room, and Harry had dragged a furious Leah into the living room to calm her down. She had been furious that food had been wasted, and embarrassed that her grown daughter was acting like a child in the moments she was supposed to act like an adult. She was disappointed, annoyed, and even a bit discombobulated about why this was so hard for her sweet Leah to understand. She had always been a woman that could see both side of the story, but she had told Leah this, sat the girl down and told her how this wasn't going to end well, and how it was better to let it go and allow Emily to have her happiness, so that later in life she could have her own.

Hell she was trying to set Leah up with Antonio. He had money, he had the resources to allow her to live a lavish life without ever having to worry about the little things in life that her parents had. He could do that, but she wanted the poor boy? She wanted to struggle through life? Sam barely had a stable job, and considering he never finished highschool himself, he would be stuck with an even lower paying job that would barely be able to support him, and Emily, along with any children they decided to have. She didn't want that for Leah, she wanted the girl to be happy, to live life to the fullest without ever having to worry about when the next meal was going to be placed on the table, or if her husband was sneaking off with another woman since the man she'll meet would be meant just for her, and her alone. She couldn't understand why Leah wanted Sam so much.

"Sam was no good for her, he's not even good for Emily, but fate thinks they are." But Harry was simply stumped, he didn't know if he should take the side of his wife, or the side of his daughter when it came to this situation. He never liked Sam, thought the boy did nothing, but caused trouble along with the fact of being a fake Alpha. He also saw how very much in love Leah was, but he also saw how happy Emily was with him, so he didn't know whose side he should take on this matter. He didn't want anyone in his family fighting, and he sure didn't want anything to split them up, but that was exactly what was going on. Emily was unhappy with Leah, and Leah was unhappy with Emily. Seeing them interact you would never believe that they were even close enough to be considered sisters, it was heartbreaking, but they couldn't do anything unless someone asked them too, because it wasn't their place.

"Sam is amazing for Emily, he's got her a nice warm house, food on the table, and even likes the idea of kids if she wants them." He was perfect for her, but not for their Leah, "our babygirl deserves more than just that, Sam could never give Leah the life she deserves, he's a Shifter!" And they don't have time for the big things in life, for the rest of his life, Sam will be focused on making sure the humans are safe from the vampires. He won't be there to babysit, he won't be around long enough to hold a stable job. She personally believed that Leah needed stability to survive, and Sam wasn't stable, no Shifter was, and she knew that personally from dealing with her husband.

All those times when she just wanted to throw in the towel, but couldn't because she had kids to raise, and mouths to feed. Leah being born right before they got married, and Seth following behind a few years later, she was tired. Harry was barely in the house to care for them, and she had to get a second job just to make sure their fridge didn't go empty despite Harry having a job himself. It was horrible, a life she would never admit she didn't want, she wanted to travel, leave the reservation and enjoy life, but a Shifter named Harry stopped her...she didn't want that for Leah. She secretly praised Rebecca and Rachel for leaving this place behind, sure it sucked that they were no longer close by, but she was soo happy that they were doing what they wanted without worrying about whether food was going to be on the table tonight.

"The boy had already destroyed their relationship together, and you still think he's good?" Harry would rather laugh, he didn't remember destroying any relationships his wife had when he first started dating her. There was no screaming, crying, and food throwing when she went home to see the family closest to her.

"It'll all work out, just like everything has worked out for us." Fate did weird things in people's life, and this was just an obstacle the girls would have to overlook, "how about you asking Jacob if that Paul boy is still single. I'm sure Leah just needs someone different to focus her attention on." And Paul the playboy was just what she needed? It was honestly surprising that Sue had no idea what this boy had been running around doing, but Harry figured that she usually is cooped up in the house so there was a high chance she didn't know who, and what the boy was doing.

"I'm leaning more towards Embry, a bit younger than Leah, but such a sweet boy." Anybody really would be better than Paul at this point.


After this book I plan on working on Rider Die, There will be some small changes to the book, book cover/title, book description, maybe even some parts of the story, haven't decided yet.

I also plan on getting back into my Anime books, because my High school DXD  & Vampire Knight books was scary to look back upon.

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