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I woke to the annoying chirping of night bugs, crickets and flying things. I could see the light coming up in the east. The slow flow of the river behind me reminded me where I must have passed out. My head throbbed, my heart pounded faster and faster each moment I was awake. My body riddled with aching pains.

I wasn't carried away. By now that must mean I lost the aliens, but anytime now was feeding time for predators and I was right next to the best place to have a meal. I crawled up to my feet, trying to get away from the river, anywhere but right next to the river. As I made my way to the treeline the familiar buzz of the flying orbs filled my ears.

Can't I get a fucking break!

I found the nearest tree and started to climb it. Slowly but surely I hoisted myself up. Gnawing at my cheek to distract myself from the pain that radiated throughout my ribcage and shoulder. I climbed as far as I could, looking out over the horizon. To the east was the city. I could see the sun beginning to rise in the smoggy distance behind the dimming city lights. The ship hovered just beside the city.

At least I know where I am now.

I sat impatiently against the tree with my legs propped up on top of the large branch. I didn't hear the flying orbs anymore, figuring it was safe to climb down I managed to shimmy off the branch. Unable to use my left arm, I lost my hold on the large branch and slipped.

Branches gave way underneath my weight, scraping me on my way down. Finally, i caught myself as I fell with violence against a large branch, the girth of it hitting my chest like a semi truck. The breath was stolen from me as I grasped the branch like a sloth, holding on with everything I had. It took moments to take in any breath, each tiny one filled with torment. I steadied myself between that branch and one below. Trying to breath, trying to assess the pain I felt through my whole body.

I caught my breath after what felt like an hour, deciding to descend the rest of the tree before looking at the cause of the burning pain I felt across my side. Never in my life had I felt so much pain, never had I been hurt more than I had in the past three months since this stupid alien ship showed up and ruined my life.

As soon as my feet hit the pine needles that layered the ground I awkwardly lifted my tattered green shirt the best I could with at least five broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder, revealing a red bruised and bleeding gash that ran from underneath my armpit down to my hip. Being that the wound was still fresh the perimeter of it was glowing with light pink irritation. I pulled my shirt back down and cursed under my breath.

I had nowhere to go. I didn't have a clue where to go or what to do. I was panicking again. In the three months since I retreated to the wilderness, I've panicked a few times. I send myself into an anxiety driven paranoia. Trying to make sense of the illogical reality that I've been forced into.


Alien invasion

Everyone's gone

Your alone

You won't make it

I was snapped back to focus by the buzzing once again, scolding myself for climbing down too soon. I tried to hoist myself back into the tree but before I got too far a hand grabbed my dislocated arm and pulled roughly, causing a loud cry to rip through my chest. I fell to the ground, immediately grabbing for my shoulder to try and comfort myself, knowing damn well that nothing would take away the pain.

I stared down at two pairs of boots, unwilling to look up and meet my captors.

"King Alpheyon will want to see this one." The other grunted in response. They each grabbed an arm, pulling me up to a standing position, once again I cried out in pain with the contact to my bruised and broken body.

"Stop." I said calmly. They made no attempt to halt their motion. Each of them covered from head to toe in the same suit as the one before. It looked metal, like armor, covering their every inch.

"I said stop!" I tried to push back against their grip on me, wincing at the pain in my shoulder.

"Quit fussing, female." They barely regarded me as they continued on their way to a nearby craft.

"No! Don't! touch! me!" I jumped around, throwing my weight back and forth with no regard to the pain that racked my body, adrenaline filling me, blocking out the agony my body felt.

"Let me go!!!!" I raged as I kicked at them, doing my best to stomp their feet, kicking the backs of their legs, trying to trip them. None of it worked. They carried me effortlessly to their ship, placing me inside.

A light blue transparent barrier appeared Infront of me as I sat in the oddly shaped seat behind the two men who sat in the front of the ship in what appeared to be a captain and co pilot seats. Hesitantly I reached forward and let my fingers brush against the air near the barrier. I could feel the electricity creating static around it and knew that if I touched it I might be shocked.

I sat obediently, my mind wondering to every horrible possibility as we flew through the sky toward the very place I fled from just months ago. The ship came into sight. Large pillar like stone material made up the height of it, the swirling purple orb inside the spinning disc was like nothing I had ever seen. I wondered what it was for, what it's purpose was. I found myself getting more and more curious as we neared the ship.

I scolded myself for being so childish. I put my walls back up, reminding myself that I was being delivered straight to the enemy. The exact thing I never wanted to happen.

Anokhian: InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now