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There was a ringing through the small apartment in the early morning as Ty's alarm clock went off. He turned it off and rubbed his eyes as he thought about what he needed to do for the day. He decided to go through his phone for a few minutes, looking at pointless things. After a few minutes he got out of bed and went to brush his teeth and get ready for the morning. After freshening up and getting ready for the day he headed to his kitchen to start on some breakfast. He pulled out three eggs and started to prepare them. He toasted some bread while cooking the eggs. After all that was finished he got a glass of orange juice and sat down at his kitchen table and began eating. While he was eating he scrolled through some pointless video app to waste some time.

After eating he placed his fork, plate, and glass in the sink and went to his room. He turned on his computer and pulled up a video game. He played the game for a few hours before shutting the computer off and going to get dressed. He put on a pair of jeans and a green hoodie for work. He then put on his black socks and cowboy boots and grabbed his keys to head to work. He unlocked the car and got in and started the car. He made sure his phone was paired to his car and turned his music on. He adjusted the volume to his liking before getting ready to leave the parking lot. He pressed the clutch in and put it in first gear. He let out the clutch and pressed the gas and began his ten minute drive to work. He worked at a small retail job the he enjoyed minus some of the managers. As he pulled in he backed into a spot and put the car in neutral before pulling the parking brake.

He got out of his car making sure to press the lock button on the inside of his car door before making the short walk into the store. He walked into the store and up the stairs to go clock in. Once he was clocked in he went to his area of the store that he worked in. A few hours went by with him helping customers and talking to his coworkers. When an older male that looked around the age of thirty approached him. He was dressed in a fitted black shirt and a pair of dark jeans. He had his hair pulled into a bun showing off the sides that were shaven and a few tattoos scattered around his body. He had one ear pierced and had a cross earring in. He asked a few questions about the products but something seemed very off about him. He gave Ty an uneasy feeling and he tried to leave the conversation as quickly as possible. The man kept asking questions for another twenty minutes before finally walking away without even buying anything.

Ty brushed it off and went back behind the counter to tell his coworker he was going on his fifteen minute break. He walked to his car and sat in front seat. He hit his vape a couple of times and ate a bag of chips he had in the car. During this time he felt like he was being watched but brushed it off. He didn't think much of it. After the fifteen minutes were up he walked back into the store and up the stairs to his department. He started to organize everything and make sure the department looked nice. After straightening, he went to the back room to see if they had any products that needed to be put out to restock everything. He found a few items that needed to go out and put it out. Soon enough it was his time to go home. He said goodbye to his coworkers and made his way to the break room.

He clocked out and went to his car. The same feeling of being watched returned but he ignored it again. He turned the car on and hooked his phone up via Bluetooth to play music. Once he got that adjusted to his liking he released the parking break and put the car in gear and headed back to his apartment. He didn't notice the blacked out car that followed after him a few moments after he left. The blacked out car followed him all the way to his apartment and watched as he backed into his space and exited the car. The man driving the car continued to watch him until he was out of site and into his apartment. He stuck around for a few minutes taking count of the surroundings before flying out of the parking lot.

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