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Ty woke up the next morning with a bad headache and upset stomach. The memories from last night came to mind and he immediately started to freak out. The older man had somehow found his apartment and managed to get inside. Throwing on boxers and a blue shirt that was on the floor, Ty started to look around the room in search of him but didn't see anyone. He quickly got up and searched his entire apartment but didn't find anyone and nothing seemed out of place. He then thought that maybe it was just a dream. There was no way it was real. Nothing was touched and he was alone. He couldn't shake the weird feeling he had. He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind and blamed it on the alcohol.

He went into his bathroom and grabbed the container of ibuprofen and got out two tablets and filled his bathroom cup up with water. Looking at his appearance the reflection showed dark eye bags and messy hair. He quickly took the medicine and dumped the rest of the water out. Then splashed water on his face before turning to the shower. He started to run water for a shower thinking that it would help clear his mind. He turned the water on nice and hot and got in. He quickly washed his hair and then his body. Once he was finished he stood under the water for about ten minutes while trying to clear his head. What he thought was just a dream had him really shaken up.

He turned the water off and grabbed his towel and started to dry off. This time he he tied the towel around his waste and walked into his closet. Grabbing a pair of plain, black boxers he quickly discarded the towel and pulled them up. This time instead of jeans he put on a pair of black basketball shorts and a then a white tank top. Thankfully today was his day off and he didn't plan on doing much. Once dressed he walked to his kitchen and prepared lunch. He just put some chicken nuggets in the air fryer along with some fries.

Once they were on a plate and cooled down he put some ketchup on the side and went to his living room. He turned his television on and picked a random movie to watch as he ate his food. Half way through the movie he got up and went to get a glass of sweet tea. He went back to watching the movie and slowly sipping on his tea. After the movie was over he decided he should go ahead and go grocery shopping. Heading to the kitchen, he quickly made a list of all the stuff he would need. Walking into his room he grabbed a grey hoodie and threw it on and got his keys. The door to his apartment was unlocked from the night before which confused him because he thought he locked it. Thinking back to his dream maybe it wasn't just a dream and it did happen. He rushed to lock the door and sat back down on the sofa. Ty debated if it was even worth it to leave his apartment. The unlocked door made him scared and nervous.

Thoughts were swirling through his mind and he couldn't comprehend anything. Pushing the negative thoughts to the back of his mind he figured he was just too intoxicated and was overthinking it. He figured he forgot to lock the door as he often did and made a mental note to make sure it was always locked. Once calmed, Ty grabbed his keys again and stepped outside his apartment. Making sure to lock the door this time he turned around and took in his surroundings, nothing was out of the ordinary and he had no bad feelings. It didn't take him long to get to the grocery store and find a parking spot. Grabbing his list, and walking to get a buggy from the cart return.

While he was pushing the shopping cart through the store the weird feeling had returned. Looking around, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. Nothing seemed out of place and not many people were at the grocery store. Picking up the pace, Ty tried to hurry up his shopping. Grabbing the last few items needed he headed to check out. Waiting in line and looking around on high alert, he noticed the older man. The older male was just walking around grabbing a few items here and there. Ty thought it had to be a coincidence that he was there. The male was shopping and paying no mind to Ty, not that he noticed anyway.

The lady working at the checkout quickly scanned his items and told him the total. Ty paid and quickly put the bags into his cart going to his car, popping the trunk of his car and filling the trunk with his bags. After returning the cart, he got into his car and locked the door. Looking around Ty noticed the male get into a blacked out car. The car was a two door Audi. Ty decided it was better for the older male to leave to first to help ease his worries. The older male noticed this and pulled out of the parking lot and went the opposite direction of Ty's house and pulled off on a pull off not that far up the road. He gave it ten minutes then turned around, heading in the direction of Ty's apartment.

Ty was still a little shaken about the male and sat in his car for twenty minutes, debating on messaging his friends to ask about anything suspicious last night. Deciding against that he rubbed his head then started the car. He didn't want any of his friends to laugh at him for worrying about a stupid dream he had. Once he left the parking lot Ty drove to the nearest pizza place and placed an order. Once it was done and drove home and parked in his space. He gathered his bags and pizza, locked his car, and went to unlock his apartment. Walking in, he placed the bags on the ground and the pizza on the counter.

Ty got the bags and started to put everything in the respected places. After that, Ty grabbed two slices of pizza and put the rest away and went to watch another movie. Two hours had passed and Ty passed out on the sofa. The older man who parked his car on the other side of the complex got out of the vehicle and made his way to his precious boy's apartment. He quickly undid the lock, with the key he had made while Ty was asleep one night, and let himself inside the cozy, small apartment. Quietly, walking into the living room and he gently placed a kiss to Ty's forehead.

Ty moved a little in his sleep but didn't wake up. The older male pulled out his phone and went to the camera. He took a few pictures of his precious boy then walked to his closet. He grabbed a spare blanket out and covered his boy up with it, snapping a few more pictures afterwards. He stroked the boy's face and whispered, "you'll be mine soon."

The older male kissed Ty's forehead one last time before he walked out of his apartment and he made sure to lock his door this time. He didn't want to make another mistake.

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