Team PAYN Files

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Property of Atlas Academy-

Student Personal files-

Team PAYN-

P- Percival Steel 

Race: Faunus (Bear)

Weapons:(Classified) Build Driver and Beat Closer

Semblance: Reaction Speed(Allows him to react at high speeds for ten seconds.) Echo Sight (Allows him to locate distant objects and locate enemies through the vibrations from the earth. Similar to echo location.)

Home: Unknown

Family: Unknown

A- Ariel Nala

Race: Faunus (Fox)

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Race: Faunus (Fox)

Weapon: Spectral Stings (Two short sword with a Smg attachment. Combine both for a sniper rifle.)

Semblance: Illusion (Allows her to create multiple copies of herself.)

Home: Mantle

Family:(Father) Unknown (Mother) Kira Nala 

Y- Yuko Lovell

Race: Faunus (Rabbit)

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Race: Faunus (Rabbit)

Weapon: Banshee (A unique trumpet that allows her to create a blast of energy through the types of dust  that is used.)

Semblance: Prophetic Vision (Allows her to see possible future events.)

Home: Mantle

Family: (Father) Louie Lovell (Mother) Hope Lovell

N- Naomi Igarashi 

Race: Faunus (Tiger)

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Race: Faunus (Tiger)

Weapon: Double or Nothing (A two handed axe with a double barrel shotgun attachment.)

Semblance: Copycat (Allows her to temporarily copy anyone's semblance for 5 minutes.)

Home: Kuo Kuana 

Family: (Father) (Deceased) Taro Igarashi  (Mother) (Deceased) (Yumi Igarashi)

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