Chaper 29 Promises

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Steffan sat in his usual chair in the library, a book of human transfiguration lay open on the table in front of him. Though he hadn't turned the page for several minutes, his eyes fixed unseeing in front of him. Most people would have seen his rigid posture and unblinking eyes and assumed he was daydreaming.

Only the few close to him knew that he never daydreamed, who knew that when he had that look in his eyes it meant he was deep in thought. Which was why Matt and Kim were working quietly on the floor past the other side of the table. 

But they didn't notice how his index finger was moving methodically across his mouth. There wasn't anyone who knew him well enough to know what it meant.

Amaris was late and Steffan was getting increasingly worried.

He had noticed a shift in Amaris over the last few days, more severe than it had been in previous months. He hadn't approached her about it, not wanting to invade her privacy or draw any more attention to it. It was a decision he was now regretting.

The Easter holidays had begun and due to the large quantities of homework that everyone had received, both Kim and Matt had chosen to stay at Hogwarts. They all had been meeting every day at 9 o'clock at the usual table in the library to prepare for their exams. It was now, Steffan clicked open his pocket watch again, precisely thirty-seven minutes and fourteen seconds past twelve and there was still no sign of Amaris. 

One of the things Steffan found most frustrating about the separations between the Houses was that it made finding each other very difficult. They couldn't simply go and check each other's common rooms. Students weren't officially supposed to know the locations of the other dorm rooms, let alone be allowed inside. And it was very unlikely that you'd be able to find someone from that House to check for you, especially in Steffan's case.  

This had been a particular problem during the second year when there had been the muggle-born attacks. Steffan and Kim hadn't been able to find Matt on several occasions and, fearing the worst, had spent many hours scouring the castle for him. Only to find out that some teacher had insisted on escorting him and his class straight back to his dorm, preventing him from getting to the library. After multiple of these false alarms, they had relaxed. So when Matt was attacked by the basilisk, thankfully only petrified, they didn't find out until the following day when he was absent in the Great Hall at dinner. 

Putting his watch away, Steffan was about to recommend that they should all head for lunch and hope that they find Amaris there. Then he heard a timid knocking. He looked up to see Amaris peeking around one of the bookshelves. They locked eyes for a second before she retreated back around the corner.

Steffan stood instantly, nearly causing his chair to tip over. Matt and Kim looked up from the floor, expectantly. Steffan nodded to confirm that Amaris was here and signalled for them to stay where they were. Then he moved towards the bookshelf.

He felt his breath catch in his throat at the sight of her. Clinging to the bookshelf for balance, Amaris looked as if she had narrowly survived an explosion. Her bloodshot eyes were surrounded by deep dark rings and she had a dried red stain that trailed from her nose to her chin, passing over a busted lip. The white streak of her hair was tinted red too, and the rest of her hair was slick with sweat. The oversized long-sleeved t-shirt that she was wearing had a tear in the shoulder and was clearly what she had slept in. She had managed to get on a pair of trousers but she wasn't wearing any shocks under her boots. The laces of which hadn't been tied, simply tucked into the top. Steffan wasn't even sure if they were on the correct feet.

Amaris looked at Steffan with pleading eyes. "I'm sorry I'm late," she said, her voice quivering.

"Don't be ridiculous," Steffan struggled for a phrase to express his concern that wouldn't drastically understate the situation. Then he decided that that wasn't important and instead asked, "What happened?"

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